stimulates the sympathetic nervous system (sympathomimetics)
Adrenergic Blockers
block the sympathetic nervous system (sympatholytic)
stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (parasympathomimetics)
block the parasympathetic nervous system (parasympatholytic)
Sympathetic Neurotransmitter
Sympathetic Receptors
Alpha1, Alpha2, Beta1, Beta2
Parasympathetic Neurotransmitter
Parasympathetic Receptors
Nicotinic or muscarinic receptors
Sympathetic Receptor Sites
heart, bronchiole walls, GI tract, urinary bladder, ciliary muscle of the eye
excites all receptors approximately equally - more side effect
Selective Drugs
excites specific receptor sites (fewer side effects)
Direct Acting Adrenergic
stimulates adrenergic receptors
Indirect-Acting Adrenergic Drugs
stimulate release of norepinephrine at nerve endings
Uses of epinephrine
treat allergic reations, anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, cardiac arrest, orthostatic hypotenstion
Contraindications of epinephrine
- cardiac dysrhythmias
- glaucoma (can exacerbate IOP)
- prolonged used: drug resistance
Side and Adverse effects of epinephrine
- Side:
- -anorexia
- -nausea/vomiting
- -tremors
- -insomnia
- -pallor
- Adverse:
- -cardiac dysrhythmias
- -palpitations
- -tachycardia
- -dyspnea
Routes of Administration for Epinephrine
- IV
- Injection
- Nebulizer
- Instilled (w/ saline)
Nursing Assessments and Teachings for Epinephrine
- Urine output (retention)
- Check blood glucose (can increase)
- Take w/ food (but very rarely PO)
- No cold/diet pills (can be potentiating)
- Use of nasal sprays - for inflamed/congested nasal tissue
Uses of Albuterol
bronchospasm, asthma, bronchitis, COPD
Contraindications for Albuterol
cardiac disease, hypertension, hyperthyroidism
Side/Adverse Effects of Albuterol
Side: tremor, dizziness, nervousness, restlessness
Adverse: palpitations, reflex tachycardia, dysrhythmias
Non-Selective Beta Adrenergic Blockers
- Proprenolol
- More side-effects - NEVER for COPD/asthma
- (Beta1 and Beta2)
Selective Beta Adrenergic Blockers
Atenolol (Beta2)
Uses of Atenolol
treat angina, cardiac dysrhythmias, hypertension, heart failure
Contraindications for Atenolol
bradycardia, heart block, overt heart failure
Side/Adverse Effects of Atenolol
Side: bradycardia, dizziness, fainting, impotence
Adverse: significant bradycardia, dysrhythmias, masking of hypoglycemia
Nursing Implications of Beta Adrenergic Blockers
- Vital Signs
- Assess respirations/bronchospasm (selective vs nonselective)
- Must tapper (possible rebound tachycardia)
- Hypoglycemia (may need to decrease insulin dose)
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Impotence/Decreased libido