Muscle Cells

  1. -Longitudinal _______muscle is identified by long, thin central nuclei, a more scattered tissue layout, and an absence of striations.
    -In cross section, this muscle can be identified by central nuclei and a small ring of surrounding cytoplasm.
    Smooth Muscle
  2. This type of Longitudinal muscle is non-branching and can be identified by peripheral nuclei. The large white vertical lines are knife marks from sectioning (artifact).

    -At higher magnification, the striations become visible. I-bands (isotropic) are light while A-bands (anisotropic) are dark.

    In cross section this muscle is identified by peripheral nuclei and large amounts of cytoplasm.
    Skeletal Muscle
  3. Cardiac Muscle
    The longitudinal view of this muscle can be identified by centrally placed round to oblong nuclei, striations, branching, and intercalated discs.

    In cross section this is identified by central nuclei and a large ring of surrounding cytoplasm.

    A closer look shows the large ring of cytoplasm that is at least twice the size of the smooth muscle ring

    these cells have forked ends

    most of these cells have one nuclei but can have two.
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Muscle Cells