chapter 6 creating arguments comms 2.txt

  1. backing
    the element in the Toulmin model of argumentation that justifies believing the warrent
  2. claim
    the element in the toulmin model of argumentation that is the proposition the arguer supports
  3. data
    another name for grounds in the toulmin model of argumentation
  4. fields of argument
    subject-related communities of arguers with argumentative "rules" specific to each community
  5. grounds
    the element in Toulmin model of argumentation that is the evidence used to support the claim
  6. modal qualifier
    another name for the qualifier in the Toulmin model of arguemntation
  7. possible rebuttal
    the element in the Toulmin model of argumentation that is a statement indicating under what circumstances the claim may not be true
  8. qualifier
    the element in the Toulmin model of argumentation that is any term or phrase indicating the strength of the claim
  9. verifiers
    the element added to the Toulmin model of arguemntation that provides justification for believeing the grounds
  10. warrant
    the element in the Toulmin model of argumentation that explains why the grounds legitimately support the claim
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chapter 6 creating arguments comms 2.txt
chapter 6 creating arguments comms 2.txt