Bio 150

  1. Base
    supports the microscope
  2. Substage Light
    • located in the base
    • light passes up through the stage and through the specimen
  3. Stage
    • the platform the slide rests on while being viewed
    • always has a hole in it to permit light to pass through both it and the specimen
  4. Mechanical Stage
    • spring clips or clamp style, hold the slide in position for viewing
    • permits precise movement of the specimen
  5. Condenser
    • Concentrates the light on the specimen
    • Best Postion - is close to the inferior surface of the stage
  6. Adjustment Knob
    raises and lowers the condenser to vary the delivery of light
  7. Iris Diaphragm Lever
    arm attached to the condenser that regulates the amount of light passing through the condenser
  8. Course Adjustment knob
    used to focus the specimen
  9. Fine Adjustment Knob
    • used for more precise focusing
    • after course focusing is completed
  10. Body Tube (head)
    supports the objective lenses which are mounted on the movable nosepiece and the ocular lens
  11. Arm
    • vertical portion
    • connects the base and head
  12. Ocular
    • lens contained at the superior end of the body tube
    • magnifies the specimen 10x
  13. Objective Lenses
    adjustable lens system that permits the use of

    • low power lens
    • high powers lens
    • oil immersion lens

    each have different magnifying powers
  14. Relative Lengths
    • low power 10x yellow band
    • high power 40x blue band
    • oil immersion 100x black & white bands
  15. Revolving Nosepiece
    when you rotate the low power objective into position -

    • Turn the course adjustment knob
    • Moves fast up and down

    • Turn the fine adjustment knob
    • moves slow up and down

    never use course adjustment knob with high power - will crack the lens
  16. Total Magnification
    Specimen beign viewed is equal to the power of ocular lens * the power of the objective lens used

    • Low Power 10*10= 100x
    • High Power 10*40= 400x

    oil Immersion
  17. Viewing objects through the microscope
    • when viewing in the microscope - the slide will be upside down
    • when moved away from you - the image moves toward you
    • when you slide to the left - image moves right
  18. Parafocal
    • without touching the focusing knobs
    • It should be in focus in high power if properly focused in low power
  19. images
    • in high power - should be larger
    • 1/3 to 1/4 of it should be visible in magnification
  20. Cell
    basic structual and functional unit of your body

    • cuboidal
    • chondrocryte
    • muscle
    • neuron
  21. Tissue
    a group of similar looking cells with a common function

    • epithelium
    • connctive
    • skeletal
    • nervous
  22. Epithelium
    covers the body surface, lines its internal cavities and forms glands
  23. Epithelium
    • cell - cuboidal
    • tissue - epithelium
  24. Connective
    • cell - chondrocyte
    • tissue - connective
  25. Sketeteal
    • cell - muscle
    • tissue - skeletal
  26. Nuerons
    • cell - neuron
    • tissue - nervous
Card Set
Bio 150
Chapter One