
  1. Odonata
    • Dragonflies
    • incomplete metamorphasis
  2. Orthoptera
    • crickets, grasshoppers, and locusts
    • incomplete metamorphasis
  3. Dermaptera
    • Earwigs
    • incomplete metamorphasis
  4. Blattaria
    • cockroaches
    • incomplete metamorphasis
  5. Isoptera
    • termites
    • incomplete metamorphasis
  6. Homoptera
    • aphids, cicadas, mealy bugs
    • incomplete metamorphasis
  7. Hemioptera
    • bed bugs, stink bugs, "true bugs"
    • incomplete metamorphasis
  8. Coleoptera
    • beetles (LARGEST)
    • complete metamorphasis
  9. Siphonaptera
    • fleas
    • complete metamorphasis
  10. Diptera
    • true flies, mosquitoes
    • complete metamorphasis
  11. Lepidoptera
    • butterflies and moths
    • complete metamorphasis
  12. Hymenoptera
    • bees, wasps, and ants
    • complete metamorphasis
  13. mantodeo
    • praying mantis
    • complete metamorphasis
  14. Stages of Complete Metamorphosis
    • 1. egg
    • 2. larva
    • 3. pupae
    • 4. adult
  15. Stages of incomplete Metamorphasis
    • 1. egg
    • 2. nymph
    • 3. adult (with wings)
    • 4. adult (laying eggs)
  16. Characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda
    1. _________ symmetrical
    2. _________ bodies
    3. _________ legs
    4. _________ made primarily of chitin
    5. _________ reproduction
    6. _________ circulatory system
    7. _________ digestive systems
    8. nervous system ( _________ )
    9. excretory systems, reproductive system (_______ sexes)
    10. Respirations through _______, _______, or _______ lungs
    11. _________ eyes
    12. Metamorphosis ( _______ & _______ )
    • 1. bilaterally symmetrical
    • 2. segmented bodies
    • 3. jointed legs
    • 4. exoskeleton made primarily of chitin
    • 5. sexual reproduction
    • 6. open circulatory system
    • 7. complete digestive systems
    • 8. nervous system ( annelid - like )
    • 9. excretory systems, reproductive system ( seperate sexes),
    • 10. Respirations through gills, spiracles, or book lungs
    • 11. compound eyes
    • 12. Metamorphosis ( complete & incomplete )
  17. cephalothorax
    fused head and thorax; found in crustaceans and arachnids
  18. Tagamata
    each of the morphologically distinct sections of the body of an arthropod, comprised of two or more segments, as the head, thorax, and abdomen of an insect
  19. gills
    a respiratory organ that filters oxygen dissolved in water
  20. chitin
    main ingredient in exoskeleton; makes it water resistant and durable
  21. metamorphosis
    a change from egg to adult (complete and incomplete)
  22. molt
    shedding of exoskeleton
  23. external fertilization
    sexual reporduction where the joining of the egg and sperm occur outside the female's body
  24. Ovoviviparious
    eggs develop and hatch inside the female, so that the young are born alive but without placental attachment
  25. Oviparious
    development of eggs outside the female's body; producing eggs that mature and hatch after being released from the body
  26. cheliped
    first pair of walking legs (claws / pinchers)
  27. compound eyes
    several light detecting eyes accumlated in one area
  28. antennae
    touch and taste
  29. antennules
  30. Class Chilopoda
  31. Class Chilopoda characteristics
    1. _______ pair of legs per segment (about 30 legs)
    2. _______ body; modified "last" legs for defense and grasping
    3. _______ pair of antennae
    4. carnivorous or herbivores?
    • 1. one pair of legs per segment (about 30 legs)
    • 2. flattened body; modified "last" legs for defense and grasping
    • 3. one pair of antennae
    • 4. carnivorous or herbivores?
  32. Class Diplopoda
  33. Class Diplopoda characteristics
    1. _______ pair of leggs per segment
    2. _______ body
    3. carnivonous or herbivores?
    • 1. two pair of leggs per segment
    • 2. rounded body
    • 3. carnivonous or herbivores?
  34. Class Arachnid
    spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites
  35. Class Arachnid characteristics
    1. _______ pair of jointed legs
    2. _______ body segments ( _______ & _______ )
    3. _______ antennae
    4. _______ - specialized mouthparts; pinchers
    5. _______ - typically claws found in scorpions
    6. _______ pair of eyes
    7. Spinneret's
    8. _______ lungs
    9. _______ orders
    10. Examples: _______, _______, _______, _______
    • 1. four pair of jointed legs
    • 2. two body segments ( cephalothorax & abdomen )
    • 3. no antennae
    • 4. chelicerae - specialized mouthparts; pinchers
    • 5. pedipalp - typically claws found in scorpions
    • 6. eight pair of eyes
    • 7. Spinneret's
    • 8. book lungs
    • 9. 11 orders
    • 10. Examples: spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites
  36. Class Crustacean
    lobster, crabs
  37. Class Crustacean characteristics
    1. _______ pair of antennae
    2. _______ bodies - varied
    3. _______ & _______ living environment
    4. size:
    small aquatic: _______ / _______ / _______
    small terrestrial: _______ / _______ and _______
    large aquatic: _______
    5. Examples
    6. Typically _______ pair of legs (first pair can be claws or pinchers)
    • Class Crustacean characteristics
    • 1. two pair of antennae
    • 2. segmented bodies - varied
    • 3. aquatic & terrestrial living environment
    • 4. size:
    • small aquatic: copepods, plankton, daphnia
    • small terrestrial: isopods, pill bugs, and sow bugs
    • large aquatic: lobster ets.....
    • 5. Examples:
    • 6. Typically five pair of legs (first pair can be claws or pinchers)
  38. Class Insecta
    1. _______ orders
    2. _______ body segments : _______, _______, _______
    3. _______ pair of legs
    4. _______ pair of antennae
    5. _______ eyes
    6. most numerous
    • 1. 29 orders
    • 2. three body segments : head, thorax, abdomen
    • 3. three pair of legs
    • 4. one pair of antennae
    • 5. compound eyes
    • 6. most numerous
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Phylum Arthropoda