Psychology of Learning Test 6

  1. Define: Motivating Operation
    an environmental change that has two effects:

    • - Value altering effect
    • - behavior altering effect
  2. Define: Value Altering Effect
    an effect of motivational operations that changes the value of an event as a reinforcer
  3. Define: Behavior altering effect
    an effect of motivational operations changes the likelihood of behavior which has historically produced that reinforcer
  4. Define: Establishing Operation
    - operation to focus on a manipulation (create deprivation or ingest salt rather than something internal)

    - increases the value of a rienforcer

    -evokes behavior which has historically resulted in reinforcer
  5. Define: Abolishing operation
    - decreases the value of a reinforcer

    - supresses behavior which has historically resulted in reinforcer
  6. Describe: The characteristics and the effects of motivating operations
    - establishing operations evoke behavior which results in an increase in behavior

    - increases value
    of reinforcement available for behavior
  7. Describe: The characteristics and the effects of discriminative stimuli
    - Discriminative stimuli occasion behavior

    - increases the probability of reinforcement available for behavior
  8. Differences between motivating operations and discriminative stimuli & EXAMPLES?
    • Discriminative stimuli:
    • - increase PROBABILITY

    • Motivating operations:
    • - increase VALUE
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Psychology of Learning Test 6
Motivational Variables