Psychology Test Chpt. 1

  1. 1879
    • -Wilhelm Wundt - Univ. Leipzig, Germany
    • - Psychology was born
  2. 1st American Lab
    1883 John Hopkins University
  3. Structuralism Founded By
    - Edward Titchner
  4. Functionalism Founded by
    - William James
  5. Structuralist Fundamentals
    - Analyzing concious in to basic elements
  6. Introspection (Structualism)
    - Careful systematic operations of 1's own concious experience.
  7. Functionalist Fundamentals
    - What is the purpose of Conciousness
  8. Behaviorism Definition
    Study of observable responses & activities
  9. Behavioral Psychology
    • - John B. Watson- Effects of Enviroment
    • - B.F Skinner- Human and Animals
    • - Stimulus response relations
  10. Psychoanalytic
    Sigmund Freud- Unconcious determinants of Behavior
  11. Humanistic
    - Carl Rodgers- Unique aspects of human experience
  12. Cognitive Psychology
    - Noam Chomsky- Thoughts; mental precesses
  13. Biological Psychology
    - James Olds- Bases of behavior in humans and animals
  14. Evolutionary Psychology
    -David Buss- Evolutionary basis of behavior in humans and animals
  15. Cognition Defintion
    - The Mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge
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Psychology Test Chpt. 1