Theory Analysis (8)

  1. 7 Criteria for Theory Analysis
    • Origin
    • Meaning
    • Logical Adequacy
    • Usefulness
    • Generalizability
    • Parsimony
    • Testability
  2. 7 Criteria of Theory Analysis: Origin
    • How did the theory come about? From practice?
    • What prompted its development?
    • Was is inductive or deductive?
    • Empirical support in literature & research?
    • What is already known?
  3. 7 Criteria of Theory Analysis: Meaning
    • How do the concepts relate to each other?
    • What kinds of concepts are in the theory? Abstract / Concrete?
    • What kinds of definitions? Operational / Theoretical?
    • What kinds of statements? Descriptive / Relational / Causal?
  4. 7 Criteria of Theory Analysis: Logical Adequacy
    • Structure logical?
    • Free of fallacies?
    • Accuracy in predictions?
    • Premises accurate? Correctly drawn?
    • Format accurate?
    • Content make sense to experts in the field?
  5. 7 Criteria of Theory Analysis: Usefulness
    • Provide new insights?
    • Explain phenomena better than previous theories?
    • Allow better prescriptions?
    • Potential to benefit nursing practice?
  6. 7 Criteria of Theory Analysis: Generalizability
    • Extent generalization can be made
    • Wider usage = more generalizable
    • Where can this information be used?
  7. 7 Criteria of Theory Analysis: Parsimony
    • Simplicity
    • Covers broad range of situations
    • Statements do not overlap
  8. 7 Criteria of Theory Analysis: Testability
    • Hypotheses can be generated?
    • Definitions are operational or observable?
    • (If already tested, then testable.)
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Theory Analysis (8)
Theory Analysis