
  1. Any person, place, or thing is called?
    A noun.
  2. This part of speech modifies a noun or a pronoun.
    An Adjective.
  3. Tells what the subject does.
    A verb.
  4. This part of speech modifies a verb, adjective, or an adverb.
    An adverb.
  5. Makes a statement and ends with a " . "
    A Declarative sentence.
  6. Asks a questions and ends with a "?"
    An Interrogative sentence.
  7. Shows strong feeling or emotion and ends with a "!"
    An Exclamatory sentence.
  8. Gives a command and ends with a " . "
    An Imperative sentence.
  9. What is the subject and all of the words modifying the subject called?
    The Complete Subject.
  10. What is the verb and all of the words modifying the verb called?
    The Complete Predicate.
  11. What is the subject by itself called?
    The Simple Subject.
  12. What is the verb by itself called?
    The Simple Predicate.
  13. What five things make a sentence complete?
    Capital letter, end mark, subject, verb, and complete sense.
Card Set
Parts of Speech; Types of sentences