Extra psych test 1

  1. Who published "The Animal Mind" and is famous for structuralism in psychology?
  2. Who proposed a countering point of view called functionalism?
    William James
  3. What influenced the modern fields of educational psychology, evolutionary psychology, and industrial/organizational psychology?
  4. What focuses on the free will and human potential for growth and who was it developed by?
    Humanism; Maslow and Rogers
  5. What emerged as the study of the biological bases of behavior?
  6. Study of learning, memory, language, and problem solving?
    cognitive psychology
  7. What is seen as having an adaptive or survival value?
  8. Medical doctors who provide diagnosis and therapy for persons with mental disorders
  9. psychiatrists or psychologists with special training in the theory of psychoanalysis
  10. People who have academic degrees and can do counseling, teaching, and research and may specialize in any one of a large number of areas with psychology
  11. A way to determine facts and control the posibilities of error and bias when observing behavior
    scientific method
  12. What are the 5 steps of the scientific method?
    question, hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, conclusion, report the results
  13. Observations in an artificial, controlled situation
    laboratory observation
  14. detailed investigations of one subject
    case studies
  15. Asking standardized questions of large groups of people who represent a same of the population interest
  16. cannot be used to prove cause and effect relationship.
  17. measured behavior or response from the participant
    dependent variable
  18. variable that is deliberately manipulated by the experimenter to see if related changes occur in the behavior or responses of the participants and is given to the experimental group
    independent variable
  19. recieves nothing or a placebo treatment
    control group
  20. Complex network of cells that carries information to and from all parts of the body
    nervous system
  21. What two types of cells is the brain made up of?
    neurons and glial cells
  22. Which cell makes up 90% of the brain?
  23. A neuron contains charged particles called what?
  24. What manner does neurons fire?
    all or nothing
  25. What is at the end of the axon terminal that releases neurotransmitter chemicals into the synapse between one cell to the next?
    synaptic vesicles
  26. What neurotransmitter is associated with sleep, mood and appetite?
  27. What neurotransmitter is associated with Parkinsons and schizophrenia?
  28. which neurotransmitter are the neural regulators that control our pain response?
  29. What makes up the central nervous system?
    brain and spinal cord
  30. all the neurons and nerves that are not part of the brain and spinal cord and that extend throughout the body
    peripheral nervous system
  31. Two systems within the PNS?
    Somatic NS and the automatic NS
  32. Contains sensory pathway or neurons carrying messages to the CNS and the motor pathway, or neurons carrying messages from the CNS to the voluntary muscles.
    Somatic NS
  33. Contain the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
    Automatic NS
  34. Above the medulla and acts as a bridge btw the lower part of the brain and the upper part. Influences sleep, arousal, and coordination.
  35. Run through the medulla and pons and controls our selective attention and arousal.
    reticular formation
  36. Found at the base and back of the brain and coordinates fine, rapid movement, learned reflexes, posture, and muscle tone.
  37. What are the structures of the brain that control emotion, learning, memory and motivation?
    thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, hippocampus, amygdala
  38. switching station that sends sensory info to the proper areas of the cortex.
  39. Controls hunger, thirst, sleep, sexual behavior, sleeping and waking, and emotions. controls the pituitary gland.
  40. Consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, and the fornix.
    limbic system
  41. part of the brain responsible for the storing of memories and remembering location of objects
  42. Controls our fear responses and memory of fearful stimuli
  43. What parts of the cortes control the different senses and the movement of the body?
    occipital, parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes.
  44. outer covering of the cerebrum and consists of tightly packed layer of neurons
  45. thick band of neurons that connects the two cerebral hemispheres
    corpus callosum
  46. at the back and base of each hemisphere process vision and contains the primary visual cortex
    occipital lobes
  47. top and back of cortex, contains somatosensory area(touch, temp, and body position)
    parietal lobes
  48. Part of the cortex that contains the primary auditory area and involved in understanding language
    temporal lobes
  49. Contain the motor cortex which controls the voluntary muscles and are where higher mental functions such as planning and decision making occur
    frontal lobes
  50. responsible for fluent, understandable speech
    Broca's area
  51. responsible for understanding language in the left temporal lobe
    Wernicke's area
  52. comes from damage to the association areas on one side of the cortex. Someone with this condition will ignore info from the opposite side of the body or opposite visual field
    spatial neglect
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Extra psych test 1
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