
  1. Epithelial Functions
    • Protecting underlying structures.
    • Acting as barriers.
    • Permitting passage of certain substances.
    • Secreting substances.
    • Absorbing substances.
  2. Keratinized
    Non-Keratinized: that is the question!
    • •During the process of
    • epithelial differentiation, cells become cornified as keratin protein is incorporated into longer keratin
    • intermediate filaments.

    • • In many other cell
    • types, (dermis) keratin filaments and other intermediate filaments function as
    • part of the cytoskeleton to mechanically
    • stabilize the cell against physical stress.

    • •Cells
    • in the epidermis contain a structural matrix of keratin, which makes this
    • outermost layer of the skin almost waterproof, and along with collagen and elastin, gives skin its
    • strength.


  3. connective tissue and functions
    • Enclosing and separating as capsules around organs.
    • Connecting tissues to one another as tendons and ligaments.
    • Supporting and moving as bones.
    • Storing as fat.
    • Cushioning and insulating as fat.
    • Transporting as blood.
    • Protecting as cells of the immune system.
  4. Muscle and functions
    • Movement of body – voluntary/striated.
    • Pumping of blood – involuntary/striated (myocardium).
    • Involuntary control – peristalsis, eye movement, blood vessels, etc.
    • associated w/ viscera (Viscera: The internal organs of the body, specifically those
    • within the chest (as the heart or lungs) or abdomen )
  5. Nervous and functions
    • Communicate to/from CNS to/from PNS.
    • Conduct chemical-electrical impulses within the CNS and PNS.
    • Support of neurons (neuroglia)
  6. Key Facts of Epithelial Cells
    • All cells with Little Extra-cellular Material between.
    • Will Cover Body Surfaces and Form Glands.
    • Has free and basal surfaces, shares lateral surfaces.
    • Specialized cell – cell contacts including Desmosomes,
    • Tight Junctions And Gap Junctions.
    • Is Avascular – nutrients and gasses from blood must Diffuse across basement membrane.
    • Very active Mitosis
    • – have stem cells.
  7. Cell Types (epithelial)
    • Squamous: Fried Egg, Flat
    • Cuboidal: Cubes w/ Large Nucleus
    • Columnar: Tall & Thin
  8. Epithelial Classifications
    • Simple
    • Stratified
    • Pseudo
    • Stratified
    • Transitional
  9. Simple Epithelial Tissue
    Subtypes: Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar

    • consists of a single (1) layer of cells, with each cell
    • extending from the basement membrane to the free surface.
  10. Stratified Epithelial Tissue
    Subtypes: Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar

    • consists of multiple layers of cells, only one of which is
    • Stratified attached to the basement membrane.
  11. Pseudo-stratified
    No subtypes

    • consists of a single (1) layer of cells; some tall and thin; some reach the free surface while others do not.
    • Cells are always ciliated.
    • Nuclei at different levels.
  12. Transitional Epithelium
    • Subtypes: Cuboidal, Squamous (when stretched)
    • consists of stratified cells that appear cuboidal when the organ or tube (ex: urinary bladder) is not stretched, and squamous when stretched by fluids.
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