Chapter 41

  1. Medical asepsis
    Practice of reducing the number of microorganisms or preventing and reducing transmission of microorganisms from one person to another
  2. exogenous
    microorganisms outside the body that cause infection
    Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
  4. nosocomal infection
    infections that patients aquire when in a healthcare facility
  5. PPE (personal protective aquipment)
    barrier equipment that includes gloves, eye protection, gowns, and masks
  6. antimicrobial agent
    chemicals that decrease the number of pathogens in an area
  7. endogenous
    microorganisms present within the person's body that cause infection
  8. CDC
    Centers for Disease Control
  9. Asepsis
    practices that minimize or eliminate organisms that can cause infection and disease
  10. tuberculosis
  11. invasive
    therapy that invades the body by means other than normal
  12. BBP
    blood-bourne pathogens
  13. Bacteremia
    blood infections
  14. What is the most common nosocomial infection?
    Genitourinary infections
  15. When providing routine patient care, which type of handwashing is most appropriate?
    Use antimocrobial soap or detergent to perform asepsis.
  16. The minimum time to scrub hands, wrists, and lower forearms is:
    15 seconds
  17. Healthcare workers can develop latex allergies due to:
    the powder in latex gloves
  18. Soaps work as antimicrobial agents by:
    lowering surface tension of oil on the skin.
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Chapter 41
Chapter 41