Biological Psycology
Scientific study of biological bases of behavior and mental progesses
nerves that communicate in electrical and chamical form
Electrical form
Action prtentials arebased on the movements of ions in and out of the cell.
moves to next one and next one and on...
Chemical form
Acetylcholine (neurotransmitter)
- Primary roles.learning, memory, muscle contractions
- Associated disorders.
Alzhimers disease
Dopamine (neurotransmitter)
- Primary roles.movement/tremmors, thought process, rewarding sensation.
- Associated disorders.
Parkinsons disease, schizophrenia, drug addiction
Serotonin (neurotransmitter)
- Primary roles.emotional state, sleep
- Associated disorders.
Norepinephrine (neurotransmitter)
- Primary roles.physical arousal, learning, memory
- Associated disorders.
depression, stress
GABA (neurotransmitter)
- Primary roles.
- inhibition of brain activity
- associated disorders.
- anxiety disorders
Endorphines (neurotransmitter)
- Primary roles.pain preception, positive emotions
- associated disorders.
opiate addiction
Nervous System
- Central nervous system (CNS)
- peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Central Nervous system
- Brain
- Spinal cord
- ---connects brain and peripheral nervous system.
Peripheral nervous system