GRE E.txt

  1. earthy
    unrefined; coarse; of earth; Ex. earthy remarks; OP. ethereal
  2. earthly
    of this earth; terrestrial; worldly; not divine; possible; Ex. no earthly reason
  3. ebb
    (of the tide) recede; lessen; diminish; N. OP. flow: rise of tide
  4. ebullient
    showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm; boiling; N. ebullience; N. ebullition: state of boiling
  5. eccentric
    irregular; odd; unconventional; whimsical; bizarre; not concentric
  6. eccentricity
    oddity; idiosyncrasy
  7. ecclesiastic
    ecclesiastical; pertaining to the church; N: minister; priest; cleric; clergyman
  8. chapel
    small church (in a prison
  9. chaplain
    clergyman attached to a chapel
  10. padre
    chaplain (in the armed forces)
  11. eclectic
    selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources; selecting individual elements from a variety of sources; N. eclecticism
  12. eclipse
    darken; extinguish; outshine; surpass; cause an eclipse
  13. ecliptic
    path of the sun and the planets
  14. ecologist
    person concerned with the interrelationship between living organisms and their environment; person concerned with the detrimental effects of human civilization on the environment; CF. ecology
  15. ecosystem
    ecological community together with its environment
  16. economy
    efficiency or conciseness in using something; thrifty management of resources
  17. ecstasy
    rapture; very strong feeling of joy and happiness; any overpowering emotion; ADJ. ecstatic: causing or experiencing ecstasy
  18. rapture
    great joy and delight; ecstasy; ADJ. rapturous
  19. eddy
    swirling current of water
  20. edict
    decree (especially one issued by a sovereign); official command
  21. sovereign
    ruler in a monarchy; ADJ: (of a country) independent and self-governing; having supreme power; supreme; excellent
  22. sovereignty
    complete independence and self-government (of a country); supremacy of authority; power to govern
  23. edify
    instruct; correct morally
  24. edifice
    building (of imposing size)
  25. eerie
    weird; causing fear because strange
  26. efface
    rub out; remove the surface of
  27. effectual
    able to produce a desired effect; valid
  28. effective
    effectual; producing a strong response; striking; in operation; in effect; Ex. effective speech/photograph
  29. effectuate
    effect; produce; achieve; Ex. effectuate a reconciliation
  30. effeminate
    having womanly traits
  31. emasculate
    weaken; castrate
  32. castrate
    remove the sex organs (of a male animal or person)
  33. effervescence
    inner excitement or exuberance; showing high spirits; emitting bubbles forming inside; bubbling from fermentation or carbonation; ADJ. effervescent; V. effervesce
  34. effete
    having lost one's original power; barren; worn out; exhausted
  35. efficacy
    power to produce desired effect; ADJ. efficacious: effectual
  36. effigy
    dummy; likeness of a person made of wood
  37. dummy
    imitation of a real object used as a substitute; effigy
  38. effluvium
    noxious(harmful) smell
  39. effrontery
    rudeness without any sense of shame; shameless boldness; presumptousness; nerve; cheek
  40. effulgent
    shining brightly; brilliant
  41. effusion
    pouring forth; unrestrained outpouring of feeling; V. effuse: pour out; ADJ. effusive: pouring forth; gushing
  42. gush
    (of liquid) pour out in large quantities from a hole; make an excessive display of feeling (without true feeling); Ex. Blood gushed from the wound.
  43. egoism
    excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others; selfishness; ADJ. egoistic
  44. ego
    one's opinion of oneself; self-esteem
  45. egotistical
    egotistic; excessively self-centered(egocentric); self-important; conceited
  46. egotism
    tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively; conceit; self-importance
  47. egregious
    notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking
  48. egress
    exit; opening for going out; act of going out; OP. ingress
  49. ejaculation
    exclamation; abrupt ejection (to discharge sperm); V. ejaculate
  50. elaboration
    addition of details; intricacy
  51. elaborate
    work out carefully; add more detail or information; ADJ.
  52. elated
    filled with excited joy and pride; overjoyed; in high spirits; joyful and proud; Ex. elated crowd; V. elate; N. elation
  53. elegy
    poem or song expressing lamentation (for the dead); ADJ. elegiacal
  54. elicit
    draw out fact or information (by discussion or from someone)
  55. elixir
    cure-all; panacea; something invigorating
  56. ellipsis
    omission of words from a text; mark used to indicate an omission (when the meaning can be understood without them); PL. ellipses
  57. elliptical
    elliptic; oval; of an ellipse; containing an ellipsis; ambiguous either purposely or because key words have been left out
  58. eloquence
    expressiveness; persuasive speech; ADJ. eloquent: movingly expressive; expressing ideas well so that the hearers can be influeneced
  59. elucidate
    explain; make clear; clarify; enlighten; CF. lucid
  60. elusive
    evasive; not frank; baffling; hard to grasp
  61. elysian
    relating to paradise; blissful
  62. Elysium
    place or condition of bliss
  63. emaciated
    thin and wasted (from hunger or illness)
  64. emanate
    issue forth; come out
  65. emancipate
    set free; liberate
  66. embargo
    ban on commerce or other activity
  67. embark
    commence; go on board a boat; begin a journey
  68. embed(imbed)
    enclose; place in something; fix firmly in a surrounding mass
  69. embellish
    adorn; ornament; enhance as a story (by adding fictitious details)
  70. embezzlement
    taking for one's own use in violation of trust; stealing (of money placed in one's care)
  71. emblazon
    ornament richly (a shield or flag); N. emblazonment
  72. embody
    give a bodily form to; incorporate; include
  73. emboss
    produce a design in raised relief; decorate with a raised design
  74. embrace
    hug; clasp with the arms; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include; Ex. embrace the cause/socialism; Ex. all-embracing; CF. brace; CF. bracelet
  75. encircle
  76. embroider
    decorate with needlework; ornament (a story) with fancy or fictitious details; embellish
  77. embroil
    throw into confusion; involve in strife
  78. embryonic
    undeveloped; rudimentary; N. embryo: organism in the early stage of development
  79. emend
    correct (usually a text); N. emendation: correction of errors; improvement
  80. emetic
    substance causing vomiting; ADJ.
  81. eminent
    rising above others; high; lofty; distinguished; Ex. eminent position
  82. emissary
    agent (sent on a mission to represent another); messenger
  83. emollient
    soothing or softening remedy (for the skin); ADJ.
  84. emolument
    salary; payment for an office; compensation
  85. empathy
    ability to identify with another's feelings
  86. compassion
    sympathy for the suffering of others; ADJ. compassionate
  87. empirical
    based on experience
  88. emulate
    imitate; rival; try to equal or excel (through imitation)
  89. enamored
    in love; Ex. enamored of his own beauty; V. enamor: inspire with love
  90. encipher
    encode; convert a message into code; put into cipher
  91. enclave
    territory enclosed within an alien land
  92. encomiastic
    praising; eulogistic; N. encomium: very high praise; eulogy
  93. encompass
    surround; include; Ex. His activities encompass publishing and computers.
  94. encroachment
    gradual intrusion; Ex. I resent all these encroachments on my valuable time; V. encroach: take another's possessions or right gradually or stealthily; intrude; Ex. encroach on/upon
  95. encumber
    burden; N. encumbrance
  96. endearment
    fond word or act; expression of affection
  97. endear
    make beloved; Ex. endear her to everyone; ADJ. dear: loved; cherished; high-priced
  98. endemic
    prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country; peculiar to a particular region or people; CF. pandemic
  99. endorse
    approve; support; write one's signature on the back of; N. endorsement; CF. dorsal
  100. endue
    provide with some quality; endow
  101. enduring
    lasting; surviving; V. endure: bear (pain or suffering) for a long time; remain alive (in spite of difficulties); last; survive
  102. energize
    invigorate; give energy to; make forceful and active
  103. enervate
    weaken; take away energy from
  104. enfranchise
    admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote); CF. franchise
  105. engage
    attract; employ; hire; pledge oneself; confront; fight; enter into confliction; interlock; lock together; participate; N. engagement: agreement to marry; arrangement to meet someone or to do something; battle
  106. engaging
    charming; attractive
  107. engaged
    employed; busy; betrothed; involved in conflict
  108. engender
    cause; produce; give rise to
  109. engross
    occupy fully; absorb
  110. enhance
    increase; make greater (as in value
  111. enigma
    puzzle; mystery; ADJ. enigmatic: obscure; puzzling
  112. puzzle
    baffle or confuse by a difficult problem; ponder over a problem in an effort to solve; clarify or solve by reasoning; Ex. puzzle out the answer; N.
  113. enjoin
    command; order; forbid
  114. enmity
    ill will; hatred; hostility
  115. ennui
    boredom; listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; CF. annoy
  116. enormity
    hugeness (in a bad sense); excessive wickedness; Ex. enormity of the crime; ADJ. enormous
  117. enrapture
    please intensely; fill with rapture and delight
  118. ensconce
    settle comfortably; place comfortably (in a secure place)
  119. ensue
    follow (as a result)
  120. entail
    make necessary; require; necessitate; involve; limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs; Ex. entail A on/upon B
  121. enterprising
    full of initiative; showing enterprise
  122. enterprise
    willingness to take new ventures; initiative; business organization; plan (that is difficult or daring); Ex. their latest enterprise to sail round the world in a small boat
  123. enthrall
    capture; enslave; captivate; hold the complete attention of (as if magic); hold spellbound
  124. entice
    lure; persuade to do (something wrong); attract; tempt
  125. mischief
    behavior (of children) causing trouble with no serious harm; damage; harm; Ex. mischief to the crops; ADJ. mischievous: causing mischief; playfully troublesome
  126. entity
    real being
  127. entomology
    study of insects
  128. entrance
    put under a spell(condition caused by magical power); carry away(fill with strong feeling) with emotion; put into a trance; fill with delight
  129. trance
    hypnotic state; ecstatic state; detachment from one's physical surrounding (as in contemplation or daydreaming); CF. transition
  130. hypnosis
    induced sleeping state; ADJ. hypnotic; V. hypnotize
  131. entreat
    plead; ask earnestly
  132. entree(entr\'ee)
    entrance; a way in; right to enter; main dish of a meal; Ex. entree into the exclusive circle
  133. entrepreneur
    businessperson (who assumes the risk of a business venture); contractor; ADJ. entrepreneurial
  134. enumerate
    list; mention one by one
  135. enunciate
    announce; proclaim; utter or speak
  136. environ
    enclose; surround; N. environs: surrounding area (as of a city)
  137. eon(aeon)
    long period of time; an age; longest division of geologic time containing two or more eras
  138. epaulet(epaulette)
    ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform
  139. fringe
    decorative edge of hanging threads; edge
  140. ephemeral
    short-lived; fleeting
  141. fleet
    fast; rapid; N. ADJ. fleeting: passing quickly; ephemeral
  142. epic
    long heroic poem
  143. epicure
    connoisseur of food and drink; gourmet; ADJ. epicurean; CF. Epicurus
  144. Epicurean
    believing that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided; N.
  145. epigram
    witty thought or saying
  146. epilogue
    short speech at conclusion of dramatic work
  147. episodic
    (of a story or play) loosely connected; made up of separate and loosely connected parts; N. episode: incident in the course of an experience
  148. epistemologist
    philosopher who studies the nature of knowledge; N. epistemology
  149. epitaph
    inscription in memory of a dead person (as on a tombstone)
  150. epithet
    word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing; descriptive phrase to characterize a person (often contemptous)
  151. epitome
    perfect example or embodiment; brief summary; Ex. epitome of good manners; V. epitomize: make an epitome of; be an epitome of; embody
  152. epoch
    period of time
  153. equable
    tranquil; of even calm temper; (of temperature) steady; uniform
  154. equanimity
    calmness of temperament; composure
  155. equestrian
    rider on horseback; ADJ.
  156. equilibrium
    balance of opposing forces; balance of the mind; equanimity
  157. equine
    resembling a horse; Ex. equine face
  158. equinox
    period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal equinox; ADJ. equinoctial
  159. equipoise
    balance; balancing force; equilibrium
  160. equitable
    fair; impartial; OP. inequitable
  161. equity
    fairness; justice; OP. inequity
  162. equivocal
    (of words or statements) ambiguous; intentionally misleading; (of behavior) questionable; OP. unequivocal
  163. equivocate
    use equivocal language to deceive people; lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth; N. equivocation
  164. erode
    eat away; wear away gradually by abrasion; Ex. The sea erodes the rocks.
  165. erotic
    pertaining to passionate love or sexual love
  166. errant
    wandering (esp. in search of adventure); straying from proper moral standards; Ex. knight-errant
  167. erratic
    odd; irregular in movement or behavior; unpredictable
  168. erroneous
    mistaken; wrong; incorrect
  169. erudite
    (of a person or book) learned; full of learning; scholarly; N. erudition
  170. escapade
    prank; flighty conduct; reckless adventure that disobeys rules
  171. prank
    mischievous trick
  172. flighty
    (esp. of a woman's behavior) capricious; often changing
  173. eschew
    avoid habitually; Ex. eschew alcoholic drinks
  174. esoteric
    hard to understand; known only to the chosen few
  175. espionage
  176. espouse
    adopt; support (an idea or aim); marry; N. espousal
  177. esteem
    respect; value; judge; N.
  178. estranged
    separated; alienated; V. estrange: alienate (people in a family); N. estrangement
  179. ethereal
    like a spirit or fairy; unearthly light; heavenly; unusually refined; Ex. She has an ethereal beauty; CF. ether: upper air
  180. airy
    of air; high in the air; lofty; immaterial; unreal
  181. ethnic
    relating to races
  182. ethnology
    study of humankind; study of the different races of human beings; CF. anthropology
  183. ethos
    underlying character of a culture
  184. etymology
    study of word parts; study of the origins of words
  185. eugenic
    pertaining to the improvement of race; N. eugenics: study of hereditary improvement of the human race
  186. eulogistic
    praising; full of eulogy
  187. eulogy
    expression of praise
  188. euphemism
    mild expression in place of an unpleasant one; ADJ. euphemistic
  189. euphony
    sweet sound; ADJ. euphonious
  190. euphoria
    feeling of exaggerated or unfounded(ungrounded; baseless) well-being; feeling of great happiness or well-being (when unreasonable); ADJ. euphoriaric
  191. euthanasia
    mercy killing
  192. evanescent
    fleeting; vanishing; soon disappearing; V. evanesce
  193. evasive
    not frank; trying to hide the truth; eluding; evading; V. evade: avoid (a duty or responsibility) or escape from by deceit
  194. evince
    show clearly
  195. evenhanded
    impartial; fair
  196. evocative
    tending to call up (emotions
  197. evoke
    call forth (memory or feeling); Ex. That old film evoked memories of my childhood; N. evocation
  198. ewe
    female sheep
  199. ram
    male sheep; V. strike or drive against with a heavy impact
  200. exacerbate
    worsen; aggravate; embitter
  201. embitter
    make bitter; fill with painful or bitter feelings; make sad and angry; Ex. He was embittered by many disappointments.
  202. exacting
    extremely demanding; Ex. exacting standard of safety
  203. exact
    demand and obtain by force; Ex. exact a promise from him; N. exaction
  204. exalt
    raise in rank or dignity; praise highly; inspire; Ex. exalt the imagination; ADJ. exalted; N. exaltation
  205. exasperate
    vex; annoy or make angry (by testing the patience)
  206. exceptionable
    objectionable; likely to cause dislike; offensive; CF. unexceptionable: entirely acceptable
  207. except
    exclude; N. exception: objection; exclusion; ADJ. exceptional: unusual; of unusually high quality
  208. excerpt
    selected passage (written or musical) taken from a longer work; V.
  209. exchequer
    treasury; Ex. Chancellor of the exchequer
  210. chancellor
    legal official of high rank; CF. chancellery(chancellory): position of a chancellor
  211. treasure
    keep as precious; cherish
  212. excise
    cut away; cut out; N: government tax on good produced and used inside a country; N. excision
  213. exclaim
    cry out suddenly; N. exclamation; ADJ. exclamatory
  214. excoriate
    scold with biting harshness; censure strongly; strip the skin off
  215. exculpate
    clear from blame or guilt
  216. execrable
    very bad; detestable
  217. execrate
    curse; express abhorrence for; detest
  218. execute
    put into effect; carry out; kill as a lawful punishment; N. execution
  219. executor
    person designated to execute the terms of a will; ���� ��ǰ�� �����
  220. executioner
    person administering capital punishment
  221. executive
    person having administrative authority; one branch of government executing laws; ADJ: relating to executing
  222. legislature
    legislating branch of government; CF. legislate: make laws
  223. judiciary
    judicial branch of government
  224. exegesis
  225. exemplary
    serving as a model; outstanding; Ex. exemplary punishment/behavior; N. exemplar: typical example; model
  226. exemplify
    show by example; furnish an example; serve as an example of; Ex. His pictures exemplify that sort of painting.
  227. exempt
    not subject to a duty or obligation; free from a duty; V.
  228. exertion
    effort; expenditure of much physical work; V. exert oneself: make a great effort
  229. exhale
    breathe out; OP. inhale
  230. exhilarating
    invigorating and refreshing; cheering; V. exhilarate: make cheerful and excited; Ex. exhilarated by the ride in the sports car
  231. exhort
    urge (by strong argument or advice); Ex. The general exhorted his men to fight bravely; N. exhortation
  232. urge
    drive or force forward (by causing impulses); drive to take action; impel; entreat earnestly; Ex. urge horses; N: impulse that prompts action
  233. urgent
    compelling immediate action; pressing; persistent; importunate; Ex. urgent in his demands
  234. exhume
    dig out of the ground; remove from a grave
  235. exigency
    urgent situation; ADJ. exigent
  236. exiguous
    small in amount; minute
  237. existential
    pertaining to existence; pertaining to the philosophy of existentialism
  238. exodus
    departure (of a large number of people)
  239. exonerate
    acquit; exculpate; free from blame or guilt
  240. exorbitant
    (of costs or demands) excessive; exceeding reasonable bounds
  241. exorcise
    drive out evil spirits
  242. exotic
    not native; from another part of the world; strange; intriguingly unusual; Ex. exotic flower/dress
  243. intrigue
    make secret plans; plot; arouse the curiosity of; N: secret scheme; plot; secret love affair
  244. expansive
    (of a person) outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase in size
  245. outgoing
    sociable; eager to mix socially with others
  246. expatiate
    talk at length; speak or write in detail
  247. expatriate
    exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land; V: exile; banish; leave one's country
  248. expedient
    suitable (for a particular purpose although not necessarily morally correct); practical; politic(prudent); N: something expedient
  249. expedite
    hasten; make go faster
  250. expeditious
    done with speed; quick; N. expedition
  251. expenditure
    payment or expense; expending; something expended; output; Ex. receipt for the expenditure; Ex. expenditure of all the energy
  252. expertise
    specialized knowledge (in a particular field); expert skill
  253. expiate
    make amends for (a sin)
  254. expletive
    meaningless word; interjection; profane oath; swear-word
  255. interjection
    exclamation; Ex. ``Ouch''
  256. swear
    vow; promise; use profane oaths; use offensive words
  257. swear-word
    word considered offensive; Ex. ``bloody''
  258. oath
    solemn promise; blasphemous use of sacred words to express strong feelings; swear-word; Ex. ``For Christ's sake''
  259. explicate
    explain in detail; interpret; clarify; CF. explicable
  260. explicit
    totally clear; definite; outspoken
  261. exploit
    brave and successful act; deed or action
  262. exploit
    make use of
  263. expository
    explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition: explaining; exhibition
  264. expostulation
    protest; remonstrance; reasoning with someone to correct or dissuade; V. expostulate
  265. exposure
  266. expound
  267. expropriate
    take possession of (often for public use and without payment)
  268. expunge
    cancel; remove a word or name (from a book or list); erase
  269. expurgate
    clean; remove offensive parts of a book
  270. extant
    (of something written or painted) still in existence
  271. extemporaneous
    not planned; impromptu; extempore
  272. extenuate
    weaken; mitigate; lessen the seriousness of (bad behavior)
  273. extirpate
    root up; uproot; destroy completely
  274. extol
    praise very highly; glorify
  275. extort
    wring from; get money by threats
  276. wring
    twist (to extract liquid); extract by twisting; wrench painfully (necks or hands)
  277. extradition
    surrender of prisoner by one state to another; Ex. extradition treaty; V. extradite
  278. extraneous
    not essential; irrelevant; superfluous; external; coming from the outside; Ex. extraneous details/noise/to the subject
  279. extrapolation
    projection; conjecture; V. extrapolate: infer (unknown information) from known information
  280. extricate
    free from an entanglement or difficulty; disentangle
  281. extrinsic
    external; not essential or inherent; extraneous; OP. intrinsic
  282. extrovert
    person interested mostly in external objects and actions
  283. mingle
    mix together in close association
  284. extrude
    force or push out; thrust out; shape (plastic or metal) by forcing through a die
  285. exuberance
    overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness; ADJ. exuberant: high-spirited and lively; growing abundantly and strongly
  286. glow
    shine brightly without a flame (as of eyes or metals); show redness and heat (in the face) after hard work or because of strong feelings; N: light produced by a heated body; brilliance of a color
  287. exude
    flow out slowly; discharge (gradually); give forth; N. exudation
  288. ooze
    (of a thick liquid) pass or flow slowly; N: mud or thick liquid as at the bottom of a river
  289. exult
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GRE E.txt