My name is Michael Enz
- Wǒ jiào yán mǐn hào.
- 我 叫 顏 閔 浩
I am Switzerland person
- Wǒ shì ruì shì rén
- 我 是 瑞 士 人
I am NTU exchange student
- Wǒ shì taí dà de jīaohùan xúe shēng
- 我 是 台大 的交換學生
I'm very happy to know you
- Wǒ hěn gāoxìng rènshì nǐ
- 我 很 高興 認識 你
month - Jan. - Dec.
- yùe - yī yùe - shí èr yùe
- 月 - 一月 - 十二月
week - Monday - Sunday
- xīngqī - xīngqī yī - xīngqī rì | tiān
- 星期 - 星期一 - 星期日| 天
this how much?
- zhèige duōshǎo qián?
- 這個 多少 錢
Ok, I give you 20% discount (down to 80%)
- hǎo, wǒ gěi nǐ dǎ bā zhé
- 好, 我 給 你 打八 折
- bú (wenn ` folgt)
- bù (wenn -´v folgt)
- 不
What do you eat/drink? (You eat/drink what?)
- nǐ chī / hē shén me?
- 你 吃 / 喝 什 麼?
one egg (one=measureword)
repeat after me (follow me speak)
say it again (again say one time)
Any questions? (Have don't have question)
- yǒu méiyǒu wèntí?
- 有 沒有 問題?
first/second/third/fourth/neutral tone
- yì/èr/sān/sì/qīng shēng
- 一/二/三/四/輕 聲
open your book (to open book)
nevermind; it doesn't matter
(measureword for books/magazines)
(measureword for sticks, rods, pencils, etc.)
(measureword for long, thin things [fish, river, road, trousers, etc.])
and | or
- hàn | huò
- (only in Taiwan) | 或
- hé
- 和 (in China)
He/his (rén) | She/her (nǚ)
wish you birthday happy
- zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè
- 祝 你 生日 快樂
this evening | what did you eat?
- jīntiān wǎnshàng | nǐ chī le shén me?
- 今天 晚上 | 你 吃 了 什麼?
northeast / southwest
- dōng běi / xī nán
- 東 北 / 西 南
catty (1 catty = 600 gram | 1 kg = 1,6 catty)
(Fragestellung; Endwort nötig)
(Bei Verneinung nicht)
- nǐ mǎi chē ma?
- 你 買 車嗎?
- nǐ mǎi bù mǎi chē?
- 你 買 不買 車?
(measureword for car, etc.)
OK? (Can?)
- hǎo bù hǎo | xíng bù xíng | kěyǐ bù kěyǐ | huì bù huì
- 好 不 好 | 行 不 行| 可以 不 可以 | 會 不 會
toilet(room) / restroom
- cèsuǒ / xǐshǒujiān
- 廁所 / 洗手間
dot, point, o'clock | to count
to be acceptable (possible)
I am ___and ___.
- wǒ yòu ___ yòu ___.
- 我 又 ___ 又 ___.
A.M. -> midday -> P.M. -> midnight
- shàngwǔ -> zhōngwǔ -> xiàwǔ ->bànyè
- 上午 -> 中午 -> 下午 -> 半夜
bag (or purse, one carrys around)
(measureword for credit card, flat objects, surnames)
name/ to be called (min hào)
by the way (just thought of something)
to have come, been brought
- lái le ("le" indicates past)
- 來 了
(mine / your / his / etc.) [suffix indication modification]
- de (wǒ de / etc.)
- 的 (我 的 / etc.)
we are all foreigners
- wǒmen dōu shì wàiguórén
- 我們 都 是 外國人
Happy Mothersday! (wish you mother festival happy)
- zhù nín mǔqīn jié kuàilè
- 祝 您 母親 節 快樂
to be wrong (number dialed)
to would like, want, think
to have breakfast / lunch / dinner
- chī zǎofàn / zhōngfàn or wǔfàn / wǎnfàn
- 吃 早飯 / 中飯 or 午飯/ 晚飯
last / next (for week or month)
last / next / this (for year)
- qù / míng / jīn (nián)
- 去 / 明 / 今 (年)
thing, matter, affair, business
ne (used at the end of a sentence as an interrogative)
you do not have. do you?
- nǐ méi yǒu xìnyòngkǎ. nǐ ne?
- 你 沒 有 信用卡. 你 呢?
to be short of (one minute befor six)
- chà (chà yī fēn liù diǎn)
- 差 (差 一 分 六 點)
made of rice (rice result)
to take/bring (an umbrella)
(don't) to forget
- (bú yào) wàng jì
- (不 要) 忘 記
upstairs / downstars
- lóu shàng / lóu xià
- 樓 上 / 樓下
rigth side / left side
- yòu biān/ zuǒ biān (miàn; also possible)
- 右 邊 / 左 邊 (面)
inside / outside
- lǐ miàn / wài miàn
- 裡面 / 外面
front / back
- qián miàn / hòu miàn
- 前 面 / 後 面
above, top / under, beneath, bottom
- shàng miàn / xià miàn
- 上 面 / 下 面
opposite side / this side
- duì miàn / zhè miàn
- 對 面 / 這 面
(on the) table
- zhuō zi (shàng miàn)
- 桌 子 (上 面)
more or less (left right)
between (in the middle of)
a pair of / one of a pair
to take (bus, taxi, etc.) / sit
to get off (a bus, train, etc.)
to get on (a bus, train, etc.)
(measureword for buildings)
to pass / cross / go over
traffic light (red green light)
utility fee (water-electricity-bill)