- Wǒ hěn xǐhuan nǐ de péngyǒu
- I like your friend very much
我 认识 他。
- Wǒ rènshi tā.
- I know him
- 认识 = rènshi = to know
- Tā shì wàiguórén ma?
- Is he a foreginer?
- 外国人 = wàiguórén = foreigner
- 外 = outside
你 认识 这位 老师 吗?
- Nǐ rènshi zhèwèi lǎoshī ma?
- Do you know the teacher?
- 老师 = lǎoshī = teacher
- Wǒ rènshi chén xiǎojiě.
- I know Miss Chen.
- 小姐 = xiǎojiě = Miss
我 认识 你 哥哥。
- Wǒ rènshi nǐ gēge.
- I know your older brother
我 要 去 北京
- Wǒ yào qù běijīng
- I am going to Beijing
- 要works as an auxiliary verb for future event here
我 不 要 去 上海。
- Wǒ bù yào qù Shànghǎi.
- I am not going to Shanghai
- 上海 literally "above-ocean"
台北, 台湾
- Táiběi, Táiwān
- Taipei, Taiwan
我 同学 要 去 书店。
- Wǒ tóngxué yào qù shūdiàn.
- My classmate is going to the bookstore.
- 同 = same
- 店 = store
你 要 去 饭店 吗?
- Nǐ yào qù fàndiàn ma?
- Are you going to the restaurant?
- Wǒ qù xuéxiào. Nǐ ne?
- I am going to school. And you?
她 在 家 吗?
- Tā zài jiā ma?
- Is she at home?
陈 先生 在 宾馆。
- Chén xiānsheng zài bīnguǎn
- Mr Chen is at the hotel.
- Wáng xiăojiĕ zài jiàoshì ma?
- Is Ms. Wang in the classroom?
- Yīyuàn
- Hospital
- 医 = medical
- Tā fànfă le ma?
- Did she break the law?
- 犯法 = break the law
- 法 = law
陈 先生 在 商店。
- Chén xiānshēng zài shāngdiàn.
- Mr. Chen is at the store.
老师 在 书店
- Lǎoshī zài shūdiàn.
- The teacher is at the book store.
王 小姐 不 在 宾馆。
- Wáng xiǎojie bù zài bīnguǎn.
- Miss Wang is not at the hotel.
书店 在 哪里?
- Shūdiàn zài nǎlǐ?
- Where is the book store?
酒吧 在 哪里?
- Jiǔbā zài nǎlǐ?
- Where is the bar?
- 酒吧 = alcohol-bar
她 是 哪里的 人?
- Tā shì nǎlǐ de rén?
- Where is she from?
你 的 朋友 住 哪里?
- Nǐ de péngyǒu zhù nǎlǐ?
- Where does your friend live?
老师 去 哪里?
- Lǎoshī qù nǎlǐ?
- Where is the teacher going?
她 住在 哪里?
- Tā zhù zài nǎlǐ?
- Where does she live?
你 是 哪里 人?
- Nǐ shì nǎlǐ rén?
- Where are you from?
- Tā shì èluósī rén.
- He is Russian.
外国人 不 多。
- Wàiguó rén bù duō.
- There are not many foreigners.
留学生 很 多。
- Liúxuéshēnɡ hěn duō.
- There are many foreign students.
- Běijīng wàiguó rén duō ma?
- Are there many foreigners in Beijing?
- Xiānggǎng wàiguó rén yě duō ma?
- Are there also many foreigners in Hong Kong?
- Mǎmǎhǔhǔ
- It's OK. / So-so.
上海 人 很 多。
- Shànghǎi rén hěnduō.
- Shanghai has a lot of people.
你的 大学 大 吗?
- Nǐ de dàxué dà ma?
- Is your university big?
我 普通话 说得 不 好。
- Wǒ pǔtōnghuà shuō dé bù hǎo.
- I don't speak Mandarin very well.
你 英语 说得 很 好。
- Nǐ yīngyǔ shuō de hěn hǎo.
- You speak English really well.
- Tā zài jiānádà zhùguò sān nián
- He lived in Canada for three years
- 过 = sth happened, but not anymore
- Wǒ hán yǔ shuō dé bù tài hǎo.
- I don't speak Korean very well.
我 同事的 日语 说得 很 好。
- Wǒ tóngshì de rìyǔ shuō de hěn hǎo.
- My coworker speaks Japanese very well.
他 不 会 说 外语。
- Tā bù huì shuō wàiyǔ.
- He doesn't know how to speak a foreign language.
他 会 写 汉字。
- Tā huì xiě hànzì.
- He knows how to write Chinese.
- 写 = write
你 会 做 吗?
- Nǐ huì zuò ma?
- Do you know how to do it?
- Nĭde péngyou huì shuō Hànyŭ ma?
- Can your friend speak Chinese?
- Xībānyá yǔ
- Spanish language
- Zuìjìn
- Lately or in near future
- Shǒujī
- Cell phone
- Literally= hand-machine
- Cídiǎn
- Dictionary
- Literally= expression-collection
- Diànnǎo
- Computer
- Literally= electric-brain
- Hùzhào
- Passport
- Literally= protect photo
- Dìtú
- Map
- Literally= earth diagram
我 的 同学 没 有 钱。
- Wǒ de tóngxué méiyǒu qián.
- My classmate doesn't have any money.
我 没 去过 美国。
- Wǒ méi qùguò měiguó.
- I haven't been to the United States.
- Nǐ qùguò guìlín ma?
- Have you been to Guilin?
我 去过 上海。
- Wǒ qùguò shànghǎi.
- I have been to Shanghai.
周 小姐 没 去过 法国。
- Zhōu xiǎojiě méi qùguò fàguó.
- Ms. Zhou hasn't been to France.
- Guìlín hěn piàoliang.
- Guilin is very pretty.
说 汉语 难 吗?
- Shuō hànyǔ nán ma?
- Is it difficult to speak Mandarin?
写 英语 不 难。
- Xiě yīngyǔ bù nán.
- Writing English is not difficult.
学 俄语 很 难。
- Xué èyǔ hěn nán.
- Russian is very difficult to learn.
说 外语 难 吗?
- Shuō wàiyǔ nán ma?
- Is it difficult to speak a foreign language?
- Tā hěn cōngmíng
- She is smart.
- Kuānróng
- Tolerant/ lenient