Family Systems Quiz 5

  1. What are the core beliefs of solution-focused therapy?
    • people constrained by narrow views of their problems create rigid patterns of false solutions
    • Steer clients away from problem talk to solution talk
  2. what makes for normal family functioning according to solution-focused therapy?
    • clients are assumed to be experts on their own lives
    • assume that people are resourceful 
    • one that has been freed of its presenting problems
  3. What are the mechanisms of change according to solution-focused therapy?
    setting clear goals and building on exceptions to problems
  4. what are the goals of therapy for solution-focused therapy?
    • to solve the problem as fast as possible 
    • its about what families want different in their lives
  5. What are the conditions for behavior change for solution-focused therapy?
    • help clients amplify exceptions to their problems
    • getting people to talk positively will help people think positively
  6. What are the three levels of motivation for change according to solution-focused therapy?
    • visitors: not interested in therapy
    • complainants: have clear complaints, but usually about someone else
    • customers: have clear complaints and are ready to take action
  7. What are the therapeutic techniques for solution-focused therapy?
    • develop well-focused goals within the client's frame of reference 
    • generate solutions based on exceptions
  8. What are the two most powerful ingredients to solution-focused therapy?
    • building on what works 
    • focus on what people want rather than what they don't want
  9. what are the theoretical formulations of experiental family therapy?
    • the root cause of family problems is suppressed emotions
    • symptomatic behavior is the result of family members shadow dancing with the projections of each other's defenses
    • works from the inside out 
    • helping people relax defensive fears so that deeper and more genuine emotions can emerge
  10. What is the cause of normal family functioning according to experiental family therapy?
    • environments that allow the natural wisdom of honest emotion (similar to humanistic)
    • the healthy family offers its members the freedom to be themselves 
    • the family is a place of sharing experience
  11. define family myths in experiental family therapy?
    a set of beliefs based on distortion of historical reality and shared by all family members that help shape the family
  12. define mystification in experiental family therapy?
    • the concept that many family distort their children's experience by denying or relabeling it
    • my son has a good life (even though he does not)
  13. how are behavior disorders developed according to experiental family therapy?
    • denial of impulses and suppression of feeling
    • adhearing to rigid rituals out of being fearful of conflict 
    • emotional deadness
    • destructive communication that smothers feelings
  14. What are the four dishonest ways people communicate according to experiental family therapy?
    • blaming
    • placating
    • being irrelevant
    • being super reasonable
  15. what are the mechanisms of change according to experiental family therapy?
    • an emphasis on challenging emotional defenses
    • aggressively attack defenses to promote emotional expression
  16. what is the task of therapy for experiental family therapy?
    unblocking defenses and releasing people's innate vitality
  17. What are the therapeutic techniques for experiental family therapy?
    • there are no techniques, only people
    • it isn't what a therapist does, it is who they are
  18. define family sculpting in experiental family therapy
    a technique in which family members place themselves in a tableau that reveals significant aspects of their perceptions and feelings
  19. what are the two levels in succession that emotionally focused family therapy works on
    • uncovering the hurt and longing beneath defensive expressions of anger and withdraw
    • helping couples understand how these feeling are played out in their relationship
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Family Systems Quiz 5
Family Systems Quiz 5