Chapter 19 & 20 Test

  1. Functions of the blood
    Transport oxygen, body temperature, protection against disease and blood cot
  2. Is it normal to see erythroblast in circulation
    no it is not in normal circulation
  3. Know hematocrit percentage of red blood cells in blood
    • 91.5% water
    • 7% plasma proteins
    • 1.5% other solutes
    • adult females is 38–46% (average = 42); for adult males, it is 40–54% (average = 47).
  4. What are globulins involved in?
    immunoglobin immune response that offer immunity, fibrinogen is a plasma protein involved in blood clotting, albumin keeps fluids from leaking out of blood vessels
  5. What is hemopoiesis?
    The production of red blood cells, blood basically
  6. Where do platelets come from?
  7. What does EPO do?
    Increases production of red blood cells in bone marrow, and increase in testosterone in males
  8. Know the WBCs and their functions
    Neutrophil-Phagocytosis. Destruction of bacteria, Basophil-allergic response, Eosinophil-parasitic infection and inflammation, Lymphocytes-create antibodies, Monocytes-phagocytosis
  9. Which WBC are granular?
    Neutrophil, Eosinophil, Basophil
  10. Which WBC are agranular?
    Lymphocytes, Monocytes
  11. What is emigration with respect to WBCs?
    Go through the blood vessel wall
  12. What kind of anticoagulant do basophils produce?
  13. What kind of cells do reticulocytes give rise to?
  14. What is a megakaryoblast?
    Precursor of megakaryocyte that give rise to platelets
  15. Know that reduced Intrinsic Factor causes?
    Pernicious anemia. IF is produced by parietal cell in the stomach
  16. What kind of anemia is produced when the entire marrow is irradiated?
    Aplastic anemia
  17. What is another name for visceral pericardium?
  18. Where is the mediastinum located?
    In the thoracic cavity in between the two pleural cavities
  19. What membrane surrounds and protects the heart?
  20. Which layer of the heart has heart muscle?
  21. What can pericarditis lead to if not treated?
    Cardiac tamponade
  22. What is the function of the atrial auricles?
    Blood reserve, increase the total filling capacity of the atrium
  23. What is the groove on the heart surface that divides the left and right ventricles?
    Interventricular sulcus
  24. What are pectinate muscles?  Where are they located?
    Found in the right atrium and are muscular ridges
  25. What kind of tissue are the heart valves made up of?
    Dense connective tissue
  26. What is the function of the coronary arteries?
    Supply blood to the myocardium
  27. Cardiac myocytes are connected electrically via _______   _____________.
    Intercalated disks
  28. Know the definition of cardiac output and how to calculate it from SV and HR
  29. What happens during ventricular systole?
    Ventricles contract force blood through pulmonary semilunar valves into the systemic and pulmonary circulation
  30. What happens during the cardiac cycle during the first and second heart sounds? What valves are opening or closing?
    During the first heart sound the AV valves are closing and second is semilunar valves closing, Tricuspid and Mitral Valve (Bicuspid Valve)
  31. What’s the inherent rhythm of the SA node?
    90-100 bpm
  32. Which part of the brain controls heart rate?
    Medulla oblongata
  33. What are the relationships between preload, afterload and contractility and how do they change Stroke Volume?
    Preload increase SV and contractility, Afterload increase and decrease SV, Contractility increase and SV increases
  34. What is the difference between maximum cardiac output and resting cardiac output?
    Cardiac reserve how much reserve the heart has to perform action
  35. What’s the function of the foramen ovale?  Where does blood get shunted to?
    FO blood is going from RA to LA bypassing Ventricles and Lungs
  36. Know the coronary circulation.  Where does the posterior interventricular artery get its blood supply?  Right or left coronary artery?
    Right coronary artery for posterior
  37. What is the natural pacemaker of the heart?
    SA node
  38. Where is the AV node located?
    Between the right atrium and ventricle
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Chapter 19 & 20 Test