social studies

  1. Constantine
    A roman leader
  2. Pagan
    Someone who believes in more than one god
  3. Moat
    Trench filled with water
  4. Justinian
    First great Byzantine emperor
  5. Theodora
    Justinian’s wife
  6. Absolute power
    Unlimited authority
  7. Patriarchs
    Bishops of Rome, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, and Constantinople
  8. Pope
    Father or head of the Catholic church
  9. Creed
    A statement of beliefs
  10. Icon
    A holy image
  11. Orthodox
    Following traditional or established beliefs
  12. Catholic
    Universal concerned with all people
  13. Mosaic
    Is a design made with colored stone and small pieces
  14. Manuscript
    Handwritten documents
  15. Convert
    Changed religion
  16. How long did the Rome Eastern Empire last after the Rome Western Empire collapsed?
    1000 years
  17. What was the Eastern Rome empire called?
    The Byzantine Empire
  18. After Constantine left Christianity what did he become?
    A pagan
  19. Justinian was a man who admired what?
  20. Justinian found the vast legal legacy he inherited from Rome to be what?
    Confusing jumble of local laws, imperial laws, and judges decisions
  21. What did Justinian order a group of lawyers to do?
    Organize the existing laws
  22. When was Justinian's Code published?
    529 ad
  23. What was the most important tradition the Justinian Code preserved?
    Roman legal tradition
  24. How do you know that education was important in Byzantine civilization?
    The government supported schools for children
  25. What are manuscripts?
    hand written documents
  26. What is a mosaic?
    a design made with colored stones adn small pieces of glass
  27. What did Byzantine artists cover the walls and dome of the churches with?
  28. Why was Irene I important?
    She was the first female emperor. Because she restored the use of icons, she was made a saint.
  29. What was one way Byzantine culture was spread?
    attracting visitors to Constantinople
  30. What did visitor do with the ideas and products they gained while visiting the Byzantine Empire?
    They took the ideas home
  31. Prince Vladimir of Rus sent officials to Constantinople to learn more about the Eastern Orthodox faith. What did their visit to the Hagia Sophia do to them?
    It dazzled them.
  32. Soon after the visit to the Hagia Sophia, Prince Vladimir and the Russians converted to the Eastern Orthodox religion and Christianity spread to Russia. What does converted mean in the above sentence?
    It means they changed their religion.
  33. What is another was Byzantine culture was spread?
  34. What is a missionary?
    someone sent by a church to spread its faith
  35. Who were the two best known Eastern Orthodox missionaries?
    Cyril and Methodius
  36. What did the Cyrillic alphabet give the Slavs?
    First written language
  37. The Byzantine empire was almost alway under ____.
  38. What did Germanic tribes regain control of?
    lands conquered by the Justinians
  39. What was Greek fire?
    A chemical mixture that burned even in water.
  40. What did the Byzantines do with Greek fire?
    They shot it at enemy ships.
  41. The final attack on Constantinople came from a people known at the ___________.
  42. Greek fire was no match for the Turks' new weapon:____________
  43. The Turks used a giant cannon to hurl 1200 pound balls at _________________
    Constantinople's Walls
  44. In _______ Constantinople fell to the ________.
    1453 and Turks.
  45. After attacked by the Turks in 1453, the Byzantine Empire was____________
    no more/destroyed
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social studies
social studies test