Voyage Humanitaire

  1. What is humanatarian trip?
    Humanatarian trip is to travel overseas and to help people around the world and give them assistance which is needed.
  2. How to go for a humanatarian trip?
    One may join association like ONG Shammesh and go for a humanatarian trip to help those people who are in need.
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Voyage Humanitaire
The main purpose of humanitarian aid is to save lives, reduce suffering and respect to human dignity. Humanitarian trip is not like any other travel job you do. While you do need the same documentation as you would require for any other travel trip. Plan well in advance to identify and obtain the documentation needed to travel to the specific country you would be traveling to. Also obtain medical vaccination, as you would always up to date on routine vaccination. Take all the necessary items with you such as medication, first-aid, water purification tablet, sanitizer, sunglasses, clothes, etc. As the humatarian trip or voyage humanitaire is a great way to do something which is rich in humanity and welfare.