Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

  1. If you get 2c on the first day of school, 4c on the second day and 8c on the third day, what should you get for attending on the 30th day?
    • y = 2x
    • y = 230
  2. Estimate 240 in terms of a power of 10
    • 210 ≃ 103
    • (210)4 ≃ (103)4
    • 240 ≃ 1012
  3. Estimate the power to which 10 must be raised to yield 2
    • 103 ≃ 210
    • (103)1/10 ≃ (210)1/10
    • 103/10 ≃ 2
  4. If bx = by and b ≠ 1 then?
    x = y
  5. Solve (3√2)2
    • (32)√2
    • 9√2
  6. Solve 4x = 8
    • (22)x = 23
    • 22x = 23
    • 2x = 3 
    • x = 3/2
  7. Let b denote an arbitrary positive constant other than 1. The exponential function with base b is defined by the equation:
    y = bx
  8. In many applications, functions of the form y = abkx, where a, b, and k are constants, with b ≠ 1, are also called _______ ______.
    exponential functions
  9. State 3 key features of the graph y = 2x
    Image Upload 2
    • The domain is the set of all real numbers and the range is a set of all positive real numbers
    • The y-intercept of the graph is 1. The graph has no x-intercept 
    • For x > 0, the function increases or grows very rapidly. For x < 0, the graph rapidly approaches the x-axis is a horizontal asymptote for the graph
  10. Solve y = (1/2)x
    1x/2x = 1/2x = 2-x
  11. What do you do when asked to graph 2-x - 2 = 0, what do you do?
    • figure out the x intercept by substituting x for 0
    • figure out the y intercept by substituting y for 0 
    • plot
  12. Let a be any real number. Then the instantaneous rate of change of the function f(x) = ex at x = a is ___. In other words, at each point on the graph of f(x) = ex, the instantaneous rate of change is just the _______ of the point.
    • ex
    • y-coordinate
  13. At x = 2 the instantaneous rate of change of f(x) = ex is ____
  14. T or F: f(x) = bx is one to one (by the _______ test) and therefore possesses an inverse
    • True
    • horizontal line test
  15. Define logbx and state an example
    • The exponent that a number/base "b" must be raised to, in order to yield x
    • Ex] log28 = 3
  16. y = logbx is the ________ form and is equivalent to x = by which is the ______ form
    • logarithmic form 
    • exponential form
  17. The function y = logbx grows or increases very ______.

     Image Upload 4
  18. 10 = log21024 means we must go out beyond _____ on the _axis before the curve y = log2x reaches a height of 10 units
    • 1000
    • x-axis
  19. Evaluate log432 (just write the next step that will lead to the answer)
    • 4y = 32
    • (22)y = (25)
    • 2y = 5
    • y = 5/2
  20. logex =
    ln x
  21. State the inverse of y = ln x
    y = ex
  22. Find the domain of f(x) = log2(12-4x)
    • 12-4x > 0 
    • x < 3
    • (-∞,3)
  23. Rewrite e2t-5 = 5000 in logarithmic form
    ln5000 = 2t - 5
  24. State the equation that defines the Richter magnitude M of an earthquake
    M = log10 (A/A0)
  25. ln(0)
    • undefined
    • undefined
  26. The natural log or the log of any negative number is ______
  27. Domain of ln (x2) vs (ln x)2
    • D: (-∞,0) U (0,∞)
    • D: (0,∞)
  28. 1a)logbb =
    1b)logb1 =
    2) logbPQ =
    3)logb(P/Q) =
    4)logbPn =
    5)blogbP =
    6)logbbx =
    • 1a)1
    • 1b)0
    • 2)logbP + logb
    • 3)logbP - logbQ
    • 4)nlogbP
    • 5)P
    • 6)x for all real numbers x
    • *P and Q are assumed to be positive in properties 2-6
  29. Change of base formula
    logax = logbx/logba
  30. How would you find out if x = 1 or x = 2 is a root of the equation (ln x)2 = 2lnx
    Plug each in as 1 and then 2, if the answers are equivalent on both sides of the equation it is a root
  31. ln (x)2 = 2 ln x holds for every value of x in the domain of the function _____. This example serves to remind us of the difference between a ______ ______ and an _____
    • y = ln x
    • conditional equation
    • identity
  32. _______ is true for all values of the variable in its domain. For example, the equation ln(x2) =  2 ln x is an _______; it is true for every positive real number x. In contrast, a ______ ________ is true only for some (maybe even none) of the values of the variable.
    • An identity
    • identity
    • conditional equation
  33. Using the properties of logarithms to solve logarithmic equations may introduce extraneous solutions that do not check in the original equation. Explain
    The logarithmic function requires positive inputs, but in solving an equation, we may not know ahead of time the sign of an input involving a variable so we must ALWAYS check any candidates for solutions obtained in this manner
  34. 1a)If p < q then bp < bq
    1b)Conversely, if bp < bq then p < q
    Assuming b is a positive constant greater than 1, how does this work with logs
    • 2a) If p < q then logbp < logbq
    • 2b) If logbp < logbq, then p < q
  35. Whats the first thing to do when asked "solve the following inequality a) ln(2 - 3x) ≤ 1"
    We need to determine the domain of the function y = ln(2 - 3x). Since the inputs for all natural logarithm and logarithms must be positive, we require 2 - 3x > 0  and therefore x < 2/3
  36. To increase a given quantity by 15%, we multiply the quantity by _____. Similarly, to increase a quantity by 30%, we would multiply by _____ and so on.
    • 1.15
    • 1.30
  37. Suppose that you place $1000 in a savings account at 10% interest compounded annually (explain). Interest compounded in this manner is called _____ _____. The original deposit of $1000 is called the _______ (__). The interest rate, expressed as a decimal is denoted by r which is ____ in this example and A is the _____ in the account at any given time
    • This means that at the end of each year, the bank contributes to your account 10% of the amount that is in the account at that time
    • compound interest
    • Principal (P)
    • .10
    • amount
  38. "t" not only represents time, it also represents ____________
    number of compoundings
  39. Compound Interest Formula (interest compounded annually)
    • A = P(1 + r)
    • *If a principal of P dollars is invested at an annual rate r that is compounded annually. The formula denotes amount (A) after t years
  40. When asked how much time it would take for a bank's annual compound interest to double the principal amount of money in an account, and you calculate 12.7 years, what is the correct answer?
    After 13 years the initial amount will be more than doubled
  41. General formula for periodic interest rate
    r/n, where r is the annual interest rate and n is the number of times per year that the interest is compounded
  42. Compound Interest Formula (interest compounded n times per year)
    • A = P(1 + r/n)nt
    • *If a principal of P dollars is invested at an annual rate r that is compounded n times per year. The formula denotes amount (A) after t years
  43. In the compound interest formula (interest compounded n times per year) explain r/n and the exponent nt
    • r/n is the periodic interest rate 
    • nt represents the total number of compoundings
  44. If the interest for the year under quarterly compounding was $1103.81 - $1000 = $103.81, then $103.81 is ______% of $1000. We can then say in this case, the effective rate or _____ _____ of interest is _______. The given rate of 10% per annum (ex3 in 5.6) is called the _____ ______ or _____ ____
    • 10.381%
    • annual yield 
    • 10.381%
    • nominal rate or annual rate
  45. Compound Interest Formula (interest compounded continuously)
    • A = Pert
    • *If a principal of P dollars is invested at an annual rate r that is compounded continuously. The formula denotes amount (A) after t years
  46. Doubling time
    the amount of time required for a given principal to double *also applies to exponential population growth
  47. Explain why doubling time does not depend on Principal (P)
    • A = Pert
    • *A = 2P
    • 2P = Pert
    • 2 = ert 
    • ln 2 = rt
    • t = ln2/r
  48. What is the formula for Doubling time (T2) under continuous compounding
    Doubling time = T2 = ln2/r
  49. Exponential growth refers specifically (in sciences) to which type of growth? State an example
    Growth governed by functions of the form y = aebx, where a and b are positive constants. For example A = Pert
  50. Exponential decay refers specifically (in sciences) to? State one example
    • Decreases or decay governed by functions of the form y = aebx, where a is positive and b is negative 
    • Ex: population growth, global warming and radio activity
  51. Function for population model of bacteria in ideal condition ie unlimited food and space
    • Growth law: N(t) = N0ekt
    • N(t) is the population at time t
    • k is the growth constant, a positive constant related to (but not equal to) the growth rate of the population
    • N0 is also a constant; it represents the size of the population at time t = 0
  52. Formula for percentage increase in a population over a given time interval
    percentage increase = (change in population/initial population) * 100
  53. What is the average relative growth rate (aka relative growth rate) of a population
    percent increase per hour
  54. Two characteristics of exponential growth
    • relative growth rates are all equal (for the same function)
    • relative growth rate is approximately equal to the rate constant "k" (provided k is close to 0)
  55. The half-life of a radioactive substance
    The time required for half of a given sample to disintegrate.
  56. The half-life is an intrinsic property of the substance (meaning)
    it does not depend on a given sample
  57. A formula for the decay constant k
    k = -ln2/half-life
Card Set
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions