Production and Performance Improvement

  1. Predictions are that ____ _____ will be the biggest and toughest challenge facing managers during the next few decades.
    performance improvement
  2. Increased _____ with less ____ _____ has been another objective in the foodservice industry for years.
    • Production
    • Human Effort
  3. Designing work systems that could convert human work practices into those done by machines contributed to the ____ _____
    Industrial Revolution (cotton gin, etc.)
  4. Systematically making changes to enhance the organization's desired results
    Performance improvement
  5. a measure of the results (outputs) achieved.
  6. Examples of how performance is measured
    • meals per worked hour and paid hour
    • meal equivalents per worked hour and paid hour 
    • transactions per worked and paid hour
  7. a management process and set of disciplines that are coordinated to ensure that eh company consistently meets or exceed quality standards as set by customers and other stakeholders
    Total Quality Management
  8. Advantages unique to TQM (4)
    ´Makes the company a leader

    ´Fastens the teamwork

    ´Makes company more sensitive to customer needs

    ´Makes company adapt more readily to change
  9. Benefits to company from TQM (3)
    ´Quality improves

    ´Increased productivity

    ´Staff is more motivated

    ´Costs are reduced
  10. an approach management that takes into consideration the quality of human experiences in the workplace
    Quality of Work life approach
  11. 5 Competencies of TQM Managers
    ´Develop relationships of openness and trust

    ´Build collaboration and teamwork

    ´Manage with statistical tools and quality processes based on collected facts

    ´Support results through recognition and rewards

    ´Create a learning and continuously improving organization
  12. This cyclical method includes devising a plan for improvement, implementing the plan, collecting and analyzing data to determine whether the plan worked, and taking action to standardize or improve the process.
    PDCA Cycle

    Plan, Do, Check, Act
  13. A highly disciplined approach to performance improvement that helps organizations focus on developing and delivering near-perfect products and services
    Six Sigma
  14. A performance improvement program in which the focus on reducing waste has been added to the original Six Sigma concept
    Lean Six Sigma
  15. A compilation of world-class practices with the goal of using the correct concept/tool/technique to improve quality, cost, and delivery in a waste-free environment
    Lean Manufacturing
  16. a measure or level of output of goods produced or services rendered in relation to input in terms of time (labor hours, minutes, or days), money spent, or other resources used.
  17. 6 Key words for QWL





  18. The same principles outlined by Ralph M. Barnes in the 1930s are valid for foodservice operations today.
    Principles of Motion Economy
  19. 4 tools for accessing productivity
    • working sampling
    • pathway chart to flow diagram
    • micromotion study
    • therbling--base mental motion (into which any job can be broken down)
  20. Motion economies were first used by
    Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, the founder of motion study
  21. 3 principles of motion economy
    ´Use of human body

    ´Arrangement of the workplace

    ´Design of tools and equipment
  22. Keys which unlock the mystery of the way we do work
  23. comprises a system for analyzing the motions involved in performing a task and designated to find unnecessary or inefficient motions and to utilize or eliminate even split-seconds of wasted time
  24. Applications of productivity improvement (6)
    ´Eliminate unnecessary operations.

    ´Operations can be combined.

    ´Changes in sequences of operations

    ´Improvements in design and operation

    ´Reduction of transportation

    ´Use of a different product
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Production and Performance Improvement
FSM Final Exam Material