Adult Nutrition

  1. Metabolic systems are in homeostasis, organs are function at optimal level, immune system is functioning well
    Resilient and Healthy
  2. Nutritional guidance for resilient and healthy
    encourage adequate intake of a variety of healthy foods
  3. Early, sub-clinical state of nutritional harm when intake doesn't meet needs
    Loss of reserves and/or accumulation of excess
    Possible build up of byproducts resulting from altered metabolism
    Altered substrate availability
  4. Nutritional guidance for altered substrate availability
    inform public of common risks and encourage healthful diets and lifestyle choices
  5. Insufficient, or excessive nutrient or energy intakes lead to observable changes
    recognized risk factors for chronic disease
    Nonspecific Signs and Symptoms
  6. Nutritional guidance for nonspecific signs and symptoms
    • potential intervention to assist individuals in making changes 
    • goals of intervention target specific risk factors and observable signs and symptoms
  7. Definite signs and symptoms of illness present and medical diagnosis is made
    Clinical condition
  8. Nutritional guidance for clinical condition
    • intensive intervention needed (MNT or therapeutic behavior change programs) to manage disease and prevent or delay complications
    • behavior change is difficult
  9. altered metabolism and structural changes in tissues become permanent and irreversible
    Chronic condition
  10. Nutritional guidance for chronic condition
    aimed at managing the condition, preventing further complications, reducing degree of disability, and optimizing QOL
  11. DRI for fat
    20-35% of total cals
  12. DRI for protein
    10-35% of total cals
  13. DRI for carbs
    45-65% of total cals
  14. DRI for dietary fiber

    M: 38 g/day

    F: 25 g/day
  15. Do men and women meet the DRI for fiber
  16. DRI for sodium
    <2400 mg
  17. Do men and women meet the DRI for sodium
    Yes, exceed
  18. DRI for vitamin A

    • Men: 900 mcg
    • Women: 700 mcg
  19. Do men and women meet the DRI for vitamin A
  20. DRI for vitamin E
    15 mcg
  21. Do men and women meet the DRI for vitamin E
  22. DRI for vitamin D
    15 mcg/d
  23. Do men and women meet the DRI for vitamin D
  24. DRI for calcium
    M: 1000 mg/d

    ***1200 mg/d for women ages 51-70)
  25. Do men and women meet the DRI for calcium
    Men do, women do NOT
  26. DRI for iron

    M: 8 mg/d

    W: 18 mg/d
  27. Do men and women meet the DRI for iron
    Men do, women do NOT
  28. DRI for Mg

    M: 420 mg/d

    W: 320 mg/d
  29. Do men and women meet the DRI for Mg
  30. DRI for K
    4700 mg/d
  31. Do men and women meet the DRI for K
  32. Alcohol recommendations for men and women
    Men: no more than 2 drinks per day

    Women: no more than 1 drink per day
  33. Deficiency due to poor food intake, decreased GI absorption (from alcohol damage), decreased conversion to active form, and increased need (to help with metabolism of alcohol)
  34. Thiamin deficiency can result in
    Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
  35. Deficiency due to poor intake, increased urinary losses, malabsorption, increased hepatic degradation
  36. Folate Deficiency can lead to
    macrocytic anemia
  37. decreased absorption and altered metabolism of what vitamins with alcoholism
    Vitamin B6, B12, other Bs, and vitamin C
  38. Decreased absorption of fat soluble vitamins with alcoholism due to....
    pancreatic insufficiency, decreased bile production from cirrhosis
  39. ____ and ___ deficiency with alcoholism due to decreased intake, increased urinary exertion and diarrhea
    • Mg
    • Zn
  40. Physical Activity requirements for adults 16-64
    150 mins/week of moderate-intensity exercise

    • OR
    • 75 mins/weel of vigorous intensity exercise

    with at least 2 days of muscle strengthening  exercises that are at least high or moderate intensity
Card Set
Adult Nutrition
LC Exam 3 Material