
  1. Heel strike - ankle position
    0 deg - neutral DF
  2. Heel strike - knee position
    5 flexion
  3. Heel strike - hip position
    30 flexion
  4. Midstance - ankle position
    5 DF
  5. Midstance - knee position
    5 flexion
  6. Midstance - hip position
    5 flexion
  7. Terminal Stance (Heel-off/Toe-off) - ankle position
    15 DF - 20 PF
  8. Terminal Stance (Heel-off/Toe-off) - knee position
    30 flexion
  9. Terminal Stance (Heel-off/Toe-off) - hip position
    10-20 hyperextension
  10. Mid-Swing - ankle position
  11. Mid-Swing - knee position
    30 flexion
  12. Mid-Swing - hip position
    30 flexion
  13. Mid-Swing - MM peak activity - 3
    • Tibialis anterior - ECCENTRIC
    • Quads - CONCENTRIC
    • Gluteus maximus - ISO/CONCENTRIC
  14. Midstance - MM peak activity - 3
    • Gastroc/soleus - ECCENTRIC
    • Quads - ISO/CONCENTRIC
    • Glute medius - CONCENTRIC
  15. Terminal Stance (Heel-off/Toe-off) - MM peak activity - 2
    • Gastroc/soleus - CONCENTRIC
    • HS - Biceps femoris (peaks) - CONCENTRIC
  16. Mid-swing - MM peak activity - 4
    • Tibialis anterior - CONCENTRIC
    • Quads - CONCENTRIC
    • Hip flexors - CONCENTRIC
  17. Stance phase of gait - Weight distribution along foot
    • Pronation to supination 
    • Heel strike - supination (rigid)
    • Foot flat - pronation (adapting to support surface)
    • Toe-off - supination (rigid foot - to push off of)
  18. Heel strike - position at ankle, knee, hip
    • Ankle - neutral DF
    • Knee - 5 flexion
    • Hip - 30 flexion
    • Image Upload 2
  19. Midstance - position at ankle, knee, hip
    • Ankle - 5 DF
    • Knee - 5 flexion to full extension
    • Hip - 5 flexion
    • Image Upload 4
  20. Terminal Stance (Heel-off/Toe-off) - position at ankle, knee, hip
    • Ankle - 15 PF
    • Knee - 30 flexion
    • Hip - 10-20 hyperextension
    • Image Upload 6
  21. Midswing -  position at ankle, knee, hip
    • Ankle - neutral 
    • Knee - 30 flexion 
    • Hip - 30 flexion
    • Image Upload 8
  22. During quite standing - in what mms is EMG activity daily continuous?
    • Soleus & gastrocnemius
    • Bc these mms oppose the DF moment that exists at ankle as a result of line of gravity, which falls slightly anterior to lateral malleolus
  23. Two-point gait - describe
    One crutch & opposite extremity move together, followed by the opposite crutch & extremity
  24. Three-point gait - describe
    Both crutches & involved leg are advanced together, then uninvolved leg is advanced forward
  25. Four-point gait - describe
    A slow gait pattern

    • One crutch is advanced forward & placed on floor
    • Followed by advancement of opposite leg
    • Remaining crutch is advanced forward
    • Followed by opposite remaining leg
  26. Swing-to gait - describe
    • Both crutches are advanced forward together
    • Weight is shifted onto hands for support & both legs are then swung forward to meet crutches
  27. Swing-through gait - describe
    • Both crutches are advanced forward together
    • Weight is shifted onto hands & both legs, which are swung forward beyond point of crutch placement
  28. Ascent on stairs - describe
    • Uninvolved leg always goes up first
    • Followed by crutches (or cane) & involved leg together
  29. Descent on stairs - describe
    Crutches (or cane) & involved leg go down first, followed by uninvolved leg
  30. To use ambulatory aids, pts must use which mms to elevate slightly & DEC amount of WB on LE? - 3
    Shoulder depressor mms (lower trapezius, pectoralis major, & latissimus dorsi)
  31. Canes - measurement; indications (3); Quad cane does what? (2)
    • 20-30 deg of elbow flexion
    • Measure from greater trochanter to 6 in to side of toes

    • Indications:
    • Narrow BOS to improve balance
    • Provide limited stability & unweighting (can unload forces on involved extremity by 30%)
    • Can be used to relieve pain, antalgic gait

    Quad cane - INC stability but slows gait; No stairs
  32. Crutch measurement - elbow flexion of how many degrees? measure length how? forearm crutches
    20-30 deg of elbow flexion

    For standing patients, (-) 16" from patient's height or measure from a point 2 inches below axilla to a point 6 inches in front & 2 inches lateral to foot

    Forearm crutches - cuff should cover proximal 1/3 of forearm, 1-1.5" below elbow
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