NREMT-paramedic- medical

  1. This condition is a sudden drop in blood flow throughout the body's tissues. common symptoms are  tachycardia, hyperventilation, thready pulse, cyanosis, chest pain, oliguria
    SHOCK _ usually leads to anerobic metabolisim.
  2. When the body responds to blood loss by vasoconstriction and reduction in venous capacitance. it compensates by maining the blood pressure, is called......
    Compensated shock.

    will still show mild tachycardia and pale skin.
  3. When a patient begins to lose systolic and diastolic pressure. and the pulse pressure may start narrowing. the HR beings to increase and cerebral perfusion begins to decrease is called....
    De compensated shock
  4. a condition in which heart problems like a MI, CHF, or an arrhythmia has caused the heart to stop functioning to pump blood throughout the rest of the body.
    Cardiogenic Shock
  5. A condition that is caused by insufficient circulating volume which results in a loss of blood. internal or external. and is also the most common form of shock.
    Hypovolemic shock

    start fluids early.
  6. this condition is caused by a bacteria or fungi that leads to vasodialation, hypotesion and hypovolemia. the usual symptoms are a very high fever, weakness and the chills, tachycardia, and rapid shallow breathing.
    Septic shock

    • two types toxic shock and lemierres syndrome
    • lemmiers comes from pyorea and causes a blood clot ing the jugular. toxic is from improper use of tampons.
  7. this condition is caused by a sympathetic loss of sympathetic nerve impulses leading to peripheral vascular resistance. because of that it leads to system wide vasodialation and hypotension.
    neurogenic shock
  8. in this condition you can find the following symptoms. stridor coughing,tachycardia, prickling in the ears and throbbing ears. can be from a a foreign body entering and giving you a reaction.
    ANAphylactic shock.
  9. what is the difference between distributive shock and hypolemic shock
    hypovolemic is acute and due to blood loss of some kind

    distributive is loss of tone and blood vessels and low peripheral vascular resistance.
  10. What three ways does a PSAG help shock

    inflate to 60mmhg
    • 1- increasing periphreal vascular resistance
    • 2-controlling hemhorraging by tamponading blood vessels in the legs and pelvis
    • 3-stabilizing fractures in the legs and pelvis preventing more blood loss.
  11. Layers of the skin and their functions
    • 1-Epidermis-outermost and interacts with environment
    • 2-dermis
    • 3-subcutaneous- fatty tissue. has follicles, suderrifrious glands and sebaceous glands
  12. the condition of cold clammy skin, dialated pupils, tachycardia and a thready pulse and hematoemisis, hemato uria,. what should you be suspicious for ?
    Internal bleeding

    a liver laceration will give pain to the right shoulder

    kehrs sign will go to the left of a ruptured spleen

    ridgid and distended abdomen means internal bleeding
  13. what is rhabomyolosis
    breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue that releases toxins into the blood. further leading to renal failure.

    can be caused by cholesterol lowering drugs, psych drugs, and opiates.
  14. what is the structure of the eye from external to internal
    • Sclara
    • cornea.-----external

    • iris
    • choroid layer

    • retina
    • anterior- drains fluids
    • posterior- produces aqueous humor
    • vitreous humor-
  15. what are the three steps of the Cincinnati stroke scale?
    Arm drift- motor function symmetry

    facial droop

  16. How would you recognize someone with cholecystits?
    A visceral right upper quadrant, abdominal pain. have nausea and vomiting.
  17. What are the Most common effects of a narcotic(opiate overdose).

    • 1-pinpoint pupils
    • 2-seizures
    • 3- respiratory depression/ arrest
    • 4-hypotension
    • 5-Decreased LOC
    • 6-nausea
  18. What is a vaso-occulsive crisis?
    is when a sickle cell patient has thier RBC's cluster together and prevent blood flow.
  19. What is the usual dose of EPI for anaphylaxsis?
    • 0.3-0.5 MG
    • 1:1000 IM
  20. Which hepatitis is Transmitted thru the blood
    B, C, D and G
  21. Signs that someone is on cocaine?

    • 1- tachycardia
    • 2-hypertension
    • 3-hyperthermia

    its a vasoconstrictor and a sympathomimetic
  22. Define a TIA
    its a transient ischemic attack. usually short term and less than 24 hours. it really is tissue ischemia but no infarction.
  23. what Does lightening mean?
    Means the baby moved to the lower into the pelvis.
  24. WHat are kussmal respirations?
    Increase in depth and rate of breathing. trying to offset diabetic ketoacidosis
  25. WHat type of IG_ antibody is used mainly in Allergic reactions and anaphylaxsis
    IGE antibody

    responsible for allergic reactions and immediate hypersensitivity.
  26. What are 3 common signs of Cyanide poisoning
    • Burning of acrylics nylon wool and cotton
    • silver polish
    • and fruit pits.
  27. What changes happen to a pregnant mothers blood
    The volume increases by up to 50%. also causes relative anemia.
  28. Why would you give albuterol to a person in anaphylaxsis
    to cause bronchiodialation and to engage the beta adrenergic receptors
  29. what happens when someone misses dialysis
    toxins build up in the blood which leads to cardiac arrhythmia. and then you have fluid overload
  30. what 3 findings separates a Allergic reaction from Anaphylaxis?
    • 1-shock findings
    • 2-systemic inflammation
    • 3-have some time of airway upper or lower inflammation.
  31. what is uremia
    failure of the kidneys to execrate the right amount of urea.
  32. what is EPI's effect when given for anaphylaxsis
    1- on the alpha receptors it causes vasoconstriction and stabilize capillary permeability

    2- the beta receptors cause vasodialation. promotes incresed cardua output to treat shock and broonchodialation to treat bronchoconstriction
  33. What does a benzodiazepine toxicity include?

    • 1- altered mental status slurred speech and all
    • 2-respiratory depression
  34. what happens when you overdose on a beta blocker?
    when that happens the parasympathetic tone kicks in. causes bradycardia and hypo tension.
  35. what happens with pit viper venom(rattlesnakes,copperheads..) bite

    what happens with a black widow spider bite.

    ticks bites

    brown recluse spider bite
    pit vipers are rarely fatal.

    black widows-neurotoxic and causes cns depression. causes muscle spasms, seizures, and paralysis.

    the brown recluse spider is hemo and cytotoxic
  36. what are the signs and symptoms of a vaso-occlusive crisis?
    • 1-priapism
    • 2- severe pain in the joints
    • 3- back pain.
  37. What is renal Colic?
    spasm and pain associated with the renal kidney stones
  38. What is delirium tremens? and the signs and symptoms
    • its side effects of alcohol withdrawal. happens 2-3 days w/o alcohol.
    • -tachycardia
    • -hypertension
    • -diaphoresis
    • - and hallucinations
  39. what are an example of some benzo drugs?
    • -valium- diazepam
    • -xanax- alprazolam
    • -ativan- lorazepam
    • -rohypnol- rufies
  40. how do you care for a salt water jelly fish sting?
    check airway. the apply alcohol or vinegar. remove the stings by scraping and apply heat.
  41. what is the spleens job?
    its to store and filter blood and old red blood cells.
  42. what are six signs of Pre-eclampsia
    • 1-edema
    • 2-visual disturbances
    • 3-headache
    • 4-hypertension
    • 5-altered mental status
    • 6-hematourea
  43. what causes the altered mental status in hyperglycemia
    because there is no insulin the brain. the problem arises from dehydration and acidosis
  44. what are the three phases of a tonic clonic seizure?
    • tonic-full body muscle contractions
    • clonic- convulsion of muscle groups
    • postictal- LOC slow return
  45. What is somatic pain
    is caused by the inflammation of the peritonium. its commonly more localized.
  46. How would you know someone has acute pancreatitis
    usually a history of alcohol abuse

    the pain is usually mid line upper quadrant pain and radiating to the back. Vomiting, and shows signs of internal bleeding in really severe cases
  47. what are five common symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis?
    • 1- altered mental status
    • 2-kussmals respirations
    • 3-tachycardia
    • 4-hypotension
    • 5-hot/dry skin
  48. what does alpha cells secrete? what does beta cells secrete?
    Beta secretes insulin and alpha secretes glucagon.
  49. what is an acute chest syndrome?
    in sickle cell its a vaso-occlusive crisis that occurs in the pulmonary vessels. can lead to a pulmonary infection
  50. what are 5 common symptoms of aids
    • Opportunistic infections
    • 2- weight loss
    • -3 swollen spleen and lymph nodes
    • 4-sore throat
    • 5 febrile illness
  51. what are the most common signs of hepatitis
    • 1-non specific febrile illness
    • 2-light colored stools
    • 3-dark urine
    • 4-fatigue
    • 5-nausea, vomining
    • 6-jaundice
    • 7-abdominal pain.
  52. what is ascities?
    buildup of fluid around the liver as a result of portal hypertension. it looks like fluid edema in the abdomen. and is usually with liver disease.
  53. what do they usually do to treat pulmonary obstructive disease.
    give alpha agonists and beta agonists. to relive the bronchospasm and increase the rate of ventilation

    iv steroids treat the emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. nebulized epi also reduces the reduces the mucous production. atropine also stops the mucous production.
  54. How would you recognize someone with appendicitis
    Usually have unilateral right quadrant abdominal pain. starts in the umbilicus and goes to the lower right quadrant. sometimes have a fever and nausea and vomiting.
  55. what are the 6 phases of the female reproductive cycle (menstrual)
    • 1-follicular phase
    • 2-ovulation
    • 3-Luteal phase
    • 4-menstration
    • 5-proliferative phase
    • 6-secratory phase
  56. What does glucagon do to help with hypoglycemia?
    Stimulate liver to relese glycogens stores
  57. What are the 6  most common findings of a severe allergic reaction.
    • 1-upper airway edema
    • 2-lower airway obstruction 
    • 3-vasodilation 
    • 4-uritcaria and swelling
    • 5-gi distress
    • 6-anxiety feeling of doom
  58. What three types of cells are in the islets of langerhams?
    Alpha, beta, delta
  59. Common symptoms of stroke
    • 1- confused dizzy weak
    • 2-decreased LOC
    • 3-facial drooping
    • 4-double vision
    • 5-speech
  60. What substances build up in the body when the kidneys fail
    • 1-creatinine
    • 2-urea
    • 3-potassium
    • 4-sodium
    • 5-hydrogen ions
    • 6-phosphate
  61. what is somatic pain?
    inflammation of the peritoneum, it can be diffuse but its more localized.
  62. what is osmotic diuresis for DKA
    Shift of fluids in the body and excessive urination as a result of hyperglycemia. thins out glucose thickened blood and eliminate excess sugar from the body
  63. what are examples of absorbed toxins?
    • Organophosphates
    • cyanide
    • plant toxins
    • cocaine
  64. after airway and breathing what is the most important treatment for diabetic ketoacidois?
    start crystalloid fluids to reverse shock and dehydration.
  65. What are the signs and symptoms carbon dioxide poisoning
    • Flu-like symptoms
    • tachycardia
    • tachypnea
    • altered
    • ataxia
  66. what is the most common cause of acute renal failure
  67. what is end stage reanal disease
    its when theres a buildup of UREA that so bad that you need a kidney transplant.
  68. what is progressive angina?
    is angina that has increased in frequency and duration
  69. what is prinzmetals angina?
    Is angina that occurs because of vasospasm.
  70. what are the three Keys to adequate perfusion
    Pump, Rate , and the volume.
  71. what carries de-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
    Pulmonary artery
  72. what type of drug is used to treat exaserbated COPD
    • Beta agonist
    • and para-sympatholytic
  73. What is the pathophysiology associated with emphysema.
    is the breakdown of the alveoli and the loss of the surface area. that causes the body to impair the body's ability to exchange Co2 and oxygen.
  74. what happens when there is an increase in sympathetic tone in the body?
    It increases in automacity and then heart heart rate. then a increase in contractility,
  75. What is the mechanism of action for NITRO?
    • it causes dilation which promotes peripheral
    • pooping of blood and reduces the workload of the heart.
  76. what does PEEP stand for?
    Positive end expiatory pressure. this is the pressure you have to keep up to prevent alveolar collapse.
  77. what is pre infarction angina?
    angina that occurs without any warning or without precipitating causes. pain at rest  or sitting down.
  78. why are chronic bronchitis patients called blue bloaters.
    they are prone to developing right sided heart failure which can lead to increased peripheral edema. and that cause and lead them to become cyanotic
  79. what are the 5 common signs of a cardiac arrest?
    • 1-thoracic discomfort- neck jaw arms and epigastrum
    • 2-dyspnea
    • 3-nausea/Vomiting
    • 4-syncope
    • 5-sudden death.
  80. what is the principal place for respiratory regulation?
    Medulla oblongata.
  81. why an emphysema patient may have pink skin despite decreased oxygen levels in the blood.
    emphysema patients compensate for chronic hypoxia with overproduction of red blood cells. it causes a pink complexion despite hypoxemia.
  82. describe the two things that make up chronic bronchitis?
    • 1- destruction of the mucociliary escalator
    • 2-over production of mucous in the airway

    -these processes lead to bacteria being trapped in the airways and a higher clip for infection.
  83. what is status asthmaticus
    is a sever prolonged asthma attack that remains unresponsive to initial treatment of bronchodialator
  84. what are the 6 bad pathophisiologies of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
    • 1-destruction of lung tissue
    • 2-decreased diameter of the airways
    • 3-loss of airway elasticity
    • 4-inflammarion of the airway
    • 5-increase of mucus prodution
    • 6-decreased alveolar tension area.
  85. what structure brings oxygenated blood to the left atrium?
    pulmonary vein
  86. why is pneumonia such a big deal?
    it affects a portion of the lung. then gas exchange is impaired by the resulting inflammation and the buildup of by products from the infection.
  87. what is a hypoxic drive.
    its when the body uses oxygen chemo receptors instead of chemo receptors to regulate the respiratory system.
  88. what is the most common cardiac dysrhythmia associated with COPD
    A-fib. common in COPD patients.
  89. how would a severe asthma attack be characterized on a pulse ox?
    it would decrease. hypoxia is a significant warning sign as the severity of the attack.
  90. what is cor pulmonale?
    is the failure of the right ventricle of the heart as a result of increased resistance to blood flow in the lungs.
  91. Signs and symptoms of a GI Bleed?
    • Hemaemisis- vomiting blood
    • hematoschezia- bloody stool
    • dark tarry stool.

    upper gi is due to ulcers and lower gi is due to diverticulitis.
  92. signs and symptoms that a patient is suffering with ulcers?
    history, nausea vomiting, abdominal pain in the upper left quadrant.

    sometimes pains before a meal and during stress.
  93. what are Pelvic inflammatory disease signs and symptoms
    abdominal pain, fever, pain during urination and pain while walking.
  94. signs and symptoms of UTI's
    abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, vaginal bleeding or discharge and signs and symptoms of shock.
  95. signs and symptoms of a Kidney stone?
    • Severe abdominal pain
    • painful urination
    • fever
    • nausea vomiting
  96. what is agitated delirium?
    characterized by violent and unpredictable behavior. unusual strength and pain tolerance. usually together with meth.
  97. what are warning signs that someone is going to be violent?
    threats or threatening behavior. throwing or striking objects. pacing or clenched fists and swearing or shouting.
  98. what Techniques should you use around behavioral health.
    Listen actively and don't interrupt. don't leave your patient alone. don't give ultimatums. and give space.
  99. signs and symptoms of placenta Previa?
    Painless vaginal bleeding in the third trimester

    it occurs when the placenta attaches to the uterus over the cervical opening. as the cervix dialated the placenta is torn and bleeds.
  100. what is aburtio placenta and what are the signs and symptoms?
    is the premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall. signs and symptoms are usually painful vaginal bleeding in the third trimester.
  101. explain the signs and symptoms of a spontaneous abortion.
    delivery of the fetus before the 20th to the 22nd week. usually presents with lower abdominal pain, cramping, vaginal bleeding and passing of tissue or clots.
  102. what is preeclampsia? and signs and symptoms
    usually in the third semester. the signs and symptoms usually are sudden weight gain, visual disturbances, swelling everywhere. headache and hypertension.

    preeclamsia is the toxemia of the pregnancy
  103. what is eclampsia? signs and symptoms?
    when the mother seizes after preeclampsia. definitely a life threating condition for mother and fetus.
  104. explain supine hypotensive syndrome.
    when the fetus compresses the inferior vena cava late in pregnancy. signs and symptoms are dizziness, hypotension, pale skin, and altered LOC.
  105. what is the first stage of labor?
    starts with contractions and ends with full cervical dilation. the cervix is fully dilated at 10 cm
  106. what is the second stage of labor
    begins with full cervical dilation and ends with the delivery of the baby. mother feels intense pressure and urge to push.
  107. what is the third stage of labor?
    begins once the baby is delivered and ends with the delivery of the placenta. the mother will feel the urge to push again. takes about thirty mins to deliver.
  108. when should you transport or deliver on scenejQuery1101037869296058288215_1488319290716
    • 1- mom has strong frequent contractions under two mins apart with little breaks between contractions.
    • 2- mother feels urge to push
    • 3-mother reported passage of the mucous plug or uterine rupture.
    • 4-crowning

    everything else is just noise and you should be transporting
  109. what do you do once the baby is born.
    dry him. suction mouth than nose, begin ventilation to 40-60 if the baby isn't breathing adequately. if heart rate is below 60 begin chest compressions at 3:1
  110. if central cyanosis is present you should
    provide blow by oxygen at 4-6 lpm until color improves.
  111. what is the apgar score
    • appearance 2 pink  1-cyanosis hands n feet 0- blue all over.
    • pulse-2 over 100 1-under 100 0-no pulse
    • grimace crying good 1 so so 0 not
    • activity 2- good 1-so so 0 not
    • respirations- 2 good 1 so-so 0 not
  112. what is meconium staining and what should you do about it.
    • poop turns the fluid green, yellow or brownish
    • high risk of pneumonia infection if the baby ingest it. if its present clear the mouth then nose once the head clears the canal then. then do it again when the baby comes out then after stimulate it to breathe.
  113. what do you do for a Prolapsed cord?
    tell momma not to push and place her in a knee to chest position. push the presenting part of the baby away from the cord. TRANSPORT
  114. what do you do for a breech presentation
    transport ASAP. if head is trapped use fingers inside to create a V to allow the baby to breathe.
  115. what do you do for a limb presentation
    place mom in a knee to chest position and burn rubber.
  116. what do you do for postpartum hemorrhage
    if the patient loses more than 500 mls. that's abnormal. uterine massage, breast feeding, and treat for shock.
  117. when the body is not able to use glucose as its primary source of energy.
    adipose cells begin to break down resulting in ketoacidosis.
  118. agitation, emotional changes, insomnia, heart intolerance, heat intolerance, weight loss are all signs of
    graves disease
  119. describe cushings syndrome?
    its a condition that you get exposed to high cortisol levels for too long.

    rounded face, pot belly. easy bruising, excessive hunger fatigue,
  120. dull, poorly localized pain that originates in the walls of a hollow organ.
    Visceral pain
  121. What is 
    Cullens sign?
    Grey-Turners sign?
    Mallory-weiss sign?
    • cullen- ecchymosis around the unbilical area
    • grey- is ecchymosis around the flank area
    • mallory weiss is a tear in the mucous membranes. that causes blood in your vomit.
  122. some patients eyes can get blood shot red. this can be a result of a subconjunctival hemorrage. what is that?
    ruptures the small vessels in the eye, the blood. can happen because of extreme vomiting
  123. Crohns disease is an idiopathic inflammatory bowel disorder associated with the small Intestine. what causes it?
    it can be hereditary, environmental or immunologic based.
  124. Small outpouchings of muosal and submucosal tissue that push through the outermost layer of the intestine is known as
  125. a common site of pain from appendicitis located 2 inches above the iliac creast in direct line with the umbilicus is know as what
    McBurneys point
  126. when an inflammed gallbladder is palpated by pressing the right costal margin that is called
    Murphys sign
  127. what conditions indicate heat exaustion?
    • profuse sweating
    • cool clammy skin
    • tachycardia
    • rapid shallow breathing
    • and a body temperature over 100 degrees.
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NREMT-paramedic- medical