
  1. À la seconde

    To the side or in thImage Upload 2e second position.
  2. Adagio

    , Adagio means "slowly", and in ballet it means slow, enfolding movements.Image Upload 4
  3. Allegro

    Meaning brisk, lively. A term applied to all bright, fast, or brisk movements. All steps of elevation such as the entrechat, cabriole, assemblé, jeté and so on, come under this classification.Image Upload 6
  4. Arabesque

    Arabesque is the position of the body supported on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body with the knee straight.Image Upload 8
  5. Battement

    A kicking movement of the working legImage Upload 10
  6. battement développé
    s usually a slow battement in which the leg is first lifted to retiréposition, then fully extended (or "unfolded") passing through attitude positionImage Upload 12
  7. battement fondu
    is a battement (usually slower) from a fondu (both knees bent, working foot on the cou-de-pied of the supporting leg) position and extends until both legs are straight. The working leg can end up on the floor (a terre) or off the floor (en l'air). It can be executed double.Image Upload 14
  8. battement frappé
    is a battement where the foot moves from a flexed or 'cou-de-pied' position next to the ankle of the supporting leg, and extends out to a straight position quickly and forcefully, and by doing so hitting the floor (the so-called frappé).Image Upload 16
  9. Coupé

    Meaning 'to cut'. Coupé is both a step and action: Coupe' means to close, cut or tombe' (fall) exchanging the from one leg to another, exchanging weight from one leg to another through a closed position, usually fifth, (rarely first or third).Image Upload 18
  10. En croix

    Meaning "in the shape of a cross" or "the Image Upload 20cross."
  11. Fondu

    Literally "melted". Abbreviation for a battement fondu.Image Upload 22
  12. Grand plié

    A full plié, or bending of the knees. The back should be straight and aligned with the heels, and the legs are turned out with knees over the feetImage Upload 24
  13. Pas de bourrée

    It consists of three quick steps i.e. behind, side, front, often ending in a demi plié. It means 'Step of Bourrée', Bourrée being an Auvergne dance.Image Upload 26
  14. Passé

    As a position passé means when a foot is placed near, on, or below the other knee.Image Upload 28
  15. Pirouette

    Literally means to "whirl" is a controlled turn on one leg, starting with one or both legs in plié and rising onto demi-pointe (usually for men) orpointe (usually for women). The non-supporting leg can be held in retiré position, or in attitude, arabesque level or second position.Image Upload 30
  16. Plié

    Literally "bent". A smooth and continuous bending of the kneesImage Upload 32
  17. Port de bras

    Literally "carriage of the arms".Image Upload 34
  18. Relevé

    Literally "lifted". Rising from any position to balance on one or both feet on at least demi-pointe which is heels off the floor or higher to full pointe where the dancer is actually balancing on the top of the toes, supported in pointe shoes.Image Upload 36
  19. Rond de jambe à terre
    straightened leg with pointed toe remaining on the ground to sweep around. "circle of the leg"Image Upload 38
  20. sous-sus
    over-underImage Upload 40
  21. temps lie'
    connected movements; plie' in positions
  22. Grand rond de jambe jete'
    the leg is straightened and sustained at grand battement height, with the foot making the circle high.Image Upload 42
  23. En L'Air
    In the air.
  24. Battu
  25. Sur le Cou-de-pied
    On the "Neck" of the foot. The working foot is placed on the part of the leg between the base of the calf and the beginning of the ankle.Image Upload 43
  26. Écarté
    Image Upload 45
  27. Effacé
    Image Upload 47
  28. Croisé devant
    Image Upload 49
  29. Croisé Derrière
    Image Upload 51
  30. A' la Quatrième devant
    Image Upload 53
  31. `A la Quatrième derriere
    (accent on the 2nd e in 'derriere')
    Image Upload 55
  32. Épaule
    Image Upload 57
  33. tour jete'
    leap with switching feet in Image Upload 59arabesque started with an arabesque.
Card Set
ballet terms for midterms